Michael Johnson.....

I have every sympathy for him over the injuries.
However, it seems concerns about his attitude arose during sven’s time and predates his injuries.
As someone pointed out earlier in the thread – he may have mental health issues in which case he has my sympathy, but it may also be that he’s just a bit of a dickhead.

I don't know who/where his parents are, but they are to blame. When he needed a strong nudge from those closest to him, it clearly wasn't there.
alky313 said:
grim up north said:
Unknown_Genius said:
So you think going out on the piss is a good idea for a professional Premier League footballer? Do Aguero, Silva, Kompany, Milner, Hart and the like do it? Yep, thought as much.

what planet are you living on of course they go out.

Milner, Dzeko, Nasri, Yaya and Kolo do not drink. I believe Silva only drinks with the occasional meal. Kompany only drank out on the town following QPR. The likes of Hart, Balo and old Johnno were the big drinkers. Most of our players have wives and children.

Balotelli does not drink.
markbmcfc said:

I don't know who/where his parents are, but they are to blame. When he needed a strong nudge from those closest to him, it clearly wasn't there.
Have you any evidence at all of that? If not, hush up. If you have, then do share and I will gladly apologise for jumping in.
Tom_mcfc said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Tom_mcfc said:
Maybe now Johnson isnt getting paid to do nothing and living in the real world he might actually face proper problems like the rest of us

Just because someone has money, doesn't mean to say they don't face problems.

real problems

No doubt, if I had a year of those wages I would have less issues with my own existence for a long time. I only wish he could have been the player he should have been. The money is obscene.
Tom_mcfc said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Tom_mcfc said:
Maybe now Johnson isnt getting paid to do nothing and living in the real world he might actually face proper problems like the rest of us

Just because someone has money, doesn't mean to say they don't face problems.

real problems

Problems are not only "real" if you have no money. Money doesn't buy happiness.

Let me be clear, I don't know much about Johnson's case. I did actually employ a girl who was going out with him when he was in our first team, and he was drinking and gambling too much then.

But it's wrong to judge someone without knowing the facts, so I won't.

Good luck to the lad. Hope he gets a new career and has a happy life.
didactic said:
alky313 said:
grim up north said:
what planet are you living on of course they go out.

Milner, Dzeko, Nasri, Yaya and Kolo do not drink. I believe Silva only drinks with the occasional meal. Kompany only drank out on the town following QPR. The likes of Hart, Balo and old Johnno were the big drinkers. Most of our players have wives and children.

Balotelli does not drink.


Let's hope that's appletizer then ;)<br /><br />-- Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:59 pm --<br /><br />
didactic said:
alky313 said:
grim up north said:
what planet are you living on of course they go out.

Milner, Dzeko, Nasri, Yaya and Kolo do not drink. I believe Silva only drinks with the occasional meal. Kompany only drank out on the town following QPR. The likes of Hart, Balo and old Johnno were the big drinkers. Most of our players have wives and children.

Balotelli does not drink.


Let's hope that's appletizer then ;)
Didsbury Dave said:
Tom_mcfc said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Just because someone has money, doesn't mean to say they don't face problems.

real problems

Problems are not only "real" if you have no money. Money doesn't buy happiness.

Let me be clear, I don't know much about Johnson's case. I did actually employ a girl who was going out with him when he was in our first team, and he was drinking and gambling too much then.

But it's wrong to judge someone without knowing the facts, so I won't.

Good luck to the lad. Hope he gets a new career and has a happy life.

The Johnson story is very common among athletes just that over here its rare look at American sports. All these guys end up broke, in jail or on drugs a few years after their career is over. Money does not solve problems it just makes it easier to get help. Money itself can be a burden especially when one comes from a low income back ground with very little education. These guys we worship on weekends most of them would be on the dole or in a park passing spliffs to one another if not for their football talent.
bobmcfc said:
didactic said:
alky313 said:
Milner, Dzeko, Nasri, Yaya and Kolo do not drink. I believe Silva only drinks with the occasional meal. Kompany only drank out on the town following QPR. The likes of Hart, Balo and old Johnno were the big drinkers. Most of our players have wives and children.

Balotelli does not drink.


Let's hope that's appletizer then ;)

If you look properly bob, you will see it is from Dom Perignon's "alcohol free" range.

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