micheal johnson

Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

I hope his haircut isn't the only thing that he has in common with Ireland next season.

He's gone from a thin, androgynous fringe-faced angel to shit-beardy, fat-cheeked Newton Heather.... what a difference a year makes. If we wait another year he may well turn back... Come on MJ get it togther. Some of those touches and through balls you used to play were fuckin top drawer. Don't let your talent turn into fuck all. There are enough fat drunks as it is without another one on the planet getting in my way whilst I'm trying to get served in Mary D's
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

bluwes said:
boris karloff said:
Thanks for uploading that project.

He looks ok, I expected alot worse than that.

He'll be alright when he starts working properly on his fitness.

Good luck to him.

Kinell Boris you are easily pleased he looks like me and I wouldnt last 15 minutes in a decent 5 a side


Well, after such a long lay off I wouldn't have expected him to be near the first team anyway for quite a while.

He's got that chubby sort of face at the best of times anyway imo, but the weight will drop off him quick enough when he starts working properly I'm sure.

I would hope he'll do his best to prove himself now though, if not then he'll be farmed out I suppose.
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

Saw the clip earlier and it worried me. He looked out of condition - fair enough given the injury problems, but he didn't exude a 'spark' or speak with any conviction that he would be back good as new. I hope he does cos he's potentially a more complete midfielder than anyone else in our squad, but based purely on what I've just seen I would question his desire to overcome this, whatever 'this' is. Hughes won't wait too long.
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

From the smiling care free box to box prospect of a couple of years ago to the poor kid who looks like hes got the world on his shoulders!

Fingers crossed the docs have found the problem and he can get back to doing what he does best on the pitch,i can remember gerrard having a tough time early in his career due to the way his body was growing.
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

I'm going for no more than three appearances next season.

What a mess. It always a shame to see talents go to waste, whether it be through injury, apathy, or poor choices.
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

I think we'd all love him to get fit and playing at his best in a winning City side. I'll always support him while he is a blue. However, I'm sick to death of people having a pop at anyone who has a word of criticism to say about the lad. It isn't all rumours about him being out on the town frequently. People aren't making it up to try and drag him down. We don't really know the nature of his injury but while he is a young man he does seem to lack a commitment and professionalism. He needs to get his head down and stop being seen out at all hours.

Just a bit out of shape that's all. Makes sense that when not training properly he'll pile on a couple of pounds a week. C'mon Johnno lad, we're all behind you, let's have it next season!

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