Middle East Conflict (merged) | Iran launch missile attack after Israel invade Lebanon

It didn’t stop Kings waging wars against each other 700 years ago. Look at the Battle of Crecy, and Edward III’s attitude to his son engaging in the battle. We are a warring species. That and our outstanding intelligence will do for us, I’m afraid.

Some of us are a warring species, those of us that aren't partial to a bit of good ol' invading have evolved more than others.

Hope Elon Musk gets his space trip me thing sorted and we can punt these war cunts off to a new planet to fight it out away from the rest of us.
Ah, I see the conspiracy theory has already begun.
If the Israeli defences didn't work there would be a lot of dead Israeli's and destroyed major buildings. There aren't.
You do know if the target is an unpopulated area the missile gets through as the interception would be a waste of time?

Looks like the Nevatim airbase got hit quite badly. Consistent with the Iranian’s saying it had largely attacked military sites.

In that sense military sites are better prepared to protect people so hopefully we don’t have any deaths reported.
Except the 'brilliant' iron dome doesn't deal with anything more than short range missiles.

Hypersonic are a different prospect for the most part.
You mean the hypersonic missiles that aren’t really hypersonic missiles, they are just very high altitude air launched ballistic missiles, a bit like strapping a minuteman 2 to a plane and launching it (for reference a minute man 2 back in the 60s had a speed of around Mach 23).

Whilst the Russians love their showboating around hypersonic missiles in reality they are very low manoeuvrability ballistic missiles which can be hit and have proven to be taken out by the aging Patriot system.

A true hypersonic missile would also have high manoeuvrability making it a much more challenging prospect. The new Mako missile developed for the F-35 and F-22 but also compatible with EFA is a true hypersonic along with the ground/sea launched Dark Eagle.
Western powers will soon be forced to prioritise between Ukraine,defending Israel on four fronts, containing Isis in Syria/Iraq and keeping an eye on the Chinese who are doubtless sat back with the popcorn enjoying the spectacle and contemplating snatching Taiwan.

China would be the last to be emboldened, watch the North Koreans IMHO. If the peninsula hots up China might be tempted. Even the US won’t be able to prioritise 4 fronts.
The leader of a Terrorist organisation
Who in turn believe they have right or god on their side? Honestly, it's not even worthwhile trying to work out which side has the best murderers or started it. It's like trying to sort out a playground fight between 10 year olds with a Liverpudlian sense of victimhood/entitlement.

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