Middle East Conflict (merged) | Iran launch missile attack after Israel invade Lebanon

For some of these there is absolutely nothing that Israel could do that would make them reconsider their support. They’d defend Israel if they used the Samson Option and killed millions of people here or anywhere else. Whether they choose to admit it or not, in their hearts they believe that the life of a Jew in Israel is worth more than the life of a Palestinian.

Tbf, West dids & P.b havn't defended the actions of the Isreali government. As for some of the other posters i agree they see a Palestinians life as pretty worthless.
And as i said the other day Netanyahu & his goverment also see a Palestinians life as nothing more than shit on the bottom of their shoes.
Well maybe that has something to do with said Palestinians trying to kill Israelis over a number of generations and all the talk about throwing the Jews into the sea. The wall round the West Bank wouldn't have been needed if it wasn't for a wave of suicide bombings and other terrorist incidents. People used to be able to cross the border from Gaza & the West Bank to work in Israel relatively easily but the attacks on towns in Israel and rocket attacks stopped that.

It takes two to tango. Like I said, it needs a sea-change in attitudes from both sides in order to make progress.
The baby died from inhaling tear gas. You know it really shouldn't have been there. But Hamas loves its martyrs and they like to start them young.

The baby really shouldn't be there because it wasn't meant to be there, it wasn't even close to the protest. It was in one of the makeshift tents that were set up to represent a depopulated town from the Israel side. There are hundreds of tents that represent towns that were once in Israel. The baby was in her town tent because her 11 year old brother brought her there thinking the mother was there. The mother went to the dentist.

These are non protest tents that are used for paramedics and the injured. And for the most part as meeting points for those whose towns were once in Israel. I guess these Palestinians, baby included, weren't meant to be there, of course, since they weren't meant to be in their town as well hence driven out. Not all of those who lost their homes during the creation of Israel became refugees in Jordan and Egypt. Some were backed into a corner, called Gaza and West Bank.

It's a tragedy for the parent as they lost another baby before, from a house fire cause by a candle during a power outage, which I can vouch a common occurrence there.
Nice to see both sides standing down so that the British press can direct all it's efforts into covering the wedding

of two dysfunctional families.
I couldn't care less if he thinks that, it was an abhorrent thing to say.
It was a poor comment but unfortunately Palestinian blood doesn't matter to many people they are quite happy to see them slaughtered in their thousands.

Sick irony really when you think back to the Nazi's treatment of the Jews in WW2 it's almost gone full circle the victim has become the abuser.

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