Middle East Conflict (merged)

Not the side that drives down a busy main road and drives deliberately into people then get out and start stabbing them. Imagine that happening on Deansgate whilst out minding your own business with family.
Absolutely, but then that just leaves the other side that are essentially behaving like Russia in Ukraine.
1st Battalion Parachute Regiment enters the chat...
I'm not sure what kind of answer that is. I am fully aware of disgraceful events that our government has overseen. Bloody Sunday was caused by an government, totally out of its depth asking soldiers to do a policeman's job. You canot train someone to kill others and then be shocked when they do, that of course is what is happening now with the Israelis. The soldiers are doing what their government want and expect.
I'm not sure what kind of answer that is. I am fully aware of disgraceful events that our government has overseen. Bloody Sunday was caused by an government, totally out of its depth asking soldiers to do a policeman's job. You canot train someone to kill others and then be shocked when they do, that of course is what is happening now with the Israelis. The soldiers are doing what their government want and expect.
i admit i was being a bit mischievous with that post...i guess i was trying to highlight how passionate and knowledgeable some posters were on a topic so far from "home"...and that its easy to "pick a side" in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict that is counter to how they view a similar conflict over here in NI.

For example, i often see support for the Palestinians...who can be construed as the smaller and oppressed side of the battle. They are often compared to the nationalist community over here...indeed the nationalist community would tend to show solidarity with the Palestinians. Yet, those Palestinian supporters can be strong/vocal supporters of the British Government and British Army's involvement in Northern Ireland. The loyalist/PUL community over here tend to show solidarity with Israel.

I just think its an interesting observation...but perhaps not a discussion for this thread.
i admit i was being a bit mischievous with that post...i guess i was trying to highlight how passionate and knowledgeable some posters were on a topic so far from "home"...and that its easy to "pick a side" in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict that is counter to how they view a similar conflict over here in NI.

For example, i often see support for the Palestinians...who can be construed as the smaller and oppressed side of the battle. They are often compared to the nationalist community over here...indeed the nationalist community would tend to show solidarity with the Palestinians. Yet, those Palestinian supporters can be strong/vocal supporters of the British Government and British Army's involvement in Northern Ireland. The loyalist/PUL community over here tend to show solidarity with Israel.

I just think its an interesting observation...but perhaps not a discussion for this thread.
Maybe not in the context you did it but maybe their is a lot of relevance. The British govt certainly encouraged Protestants to move to NI, perhaps to even the numbers up ?
The people of NI are still suffering from decisions made many years ago by politicians. Both the Palestinians and Israelis will day British politicians made decisions years ago that they are now paying the price for.
What land have they taken and when?
See now this is interesting. Because maybe you want to deny that the occupation of the West Bank is illegal under international law, or maybe that it’s even occupied at all. You think all the land belongs to Israel. So where does that leave you? If you think that there is just one country between the Med. and the Jordan River, then we can ask what kind of country that is. And the answer is it’s a country where one ethnic group rules and the other is subjugated, where one people have the vote and most of the others don’t, where one people have the freedom to go where they want and live where they want and others don’t. Where some people are governed by martial law and are liable to be kicked out of their home or have it demolished at any time. It’s an apartheid state - it’s clearer than ever.
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This afternoon I decided to re-read up on the history of the area again. What a cluster fuck.
Sadly the British Goverment are front and centre as they administered the area between 1920 and 1948. Before that it was the Ottoman empire who had sided with Germany during the first World War. They lost so we took over, well you do don't you. Herein lies the first problem. The Palestinians were promised the region if they helped us fight the Ottomans. They did but we reneged.
The other problem was we did exactly the same with the Jews. We lied to both Jews and Muslims. And we wonder why they are fighting for a land they believe is theirs and one that we had no right to give away.

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