Middle East Conflict (merged)

Would that area where you have to run to a bunker be a formerly Palestinian area now occupied by Jewish settlers?
Do you mean areas such as Tiberias, Haifa, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Tel Aviv, Beersheva and Sderot. No thought not, another numpty. I'm out of here, there is no point.
If the council leader of Liverpool having been elected for four years and was still in power 20 years later despite there being no elections decided to enable the people of Liverpool to fire rockets into Manchester indiscriminately whilst allowing terrorist groups to roam freely, what would you do as a citizen of Manchester?

And to put the other side of the argument:

That is a very simplistic attempt at saying they are right.
Actually, sorry but it is just wrong at every level.
Do you mean areas such as Tiberias, Haifa, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Tel Aviv, Beersheva and Sderot. No thought not, another numpty. I'm out of here, there is no point.
Well, I certainly had some of them in mind. I suppose there's no point now picking you up on the Golda Meir quote. Here's another (cited in Benny Morris's book 1948): Golda Meir, then head of the Jewish Agency Political Department, called the exodus (of Palestinians) "dreadful" and even likened it to what had befallen the Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe.

Then this: Were he an Arab leader, David Ben-Gurion once confessed to the Zionist official Nahum Goldmann, he, too, would wage perpetual war with Israel. "Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them?" he asked. "There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: We have come here and stolen their country."

(Both from a review of the book:
https://www.palestineremembered.com/Articles/General/Story9557.html )

The point is that if you can't accept that land has been illegally occupied, there is no point wondering why there is conflict, let alone how peace might come.
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Israel is in a war. I've never believed in a "moral war" no matter who conducts it and I'm not sure why Israel is getting held to standards that others aren't. Wait until you hear about some of the shit that we did in Iraq, would turn your stomach.
Bearing in mind we should never legally have been in Iraq I think its a good comparison.
One man's illegal war is another man's justification for murder.
You might require a history lesson which I don’t have the time nor inclination. However ask yourself why the arabs in the area have refused deal after deal. The possible 2000 treaty would have given them close to 100% of the land they wanted yet they refused. Ask yourself the millions of aid that is given is spent on terror tunnels, arms etc rather than schools, infrastructure etc. listen to this

So it's ok to murder civilians?
People really need to educate themselves before churning out typical prejudiced statements and I wonder how many of you have actually visited the region or lived in an area where you have less than a minute at any time of the day or night to run to a secure underground bunker to protect yourself. The issue in the middle east is complex and isn’t a simple yes or no. But in simplistic terms, one side wants peace the other wants total destruction of a country. As Golda Meir is all edged to have said over 50 years ago, ‘Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.’ Abuse me all you like, it’s water off a duck‘s back but there are two sides to every conflict. Peace is the goal, sooner rather than later and without further bloodshed.

I have educated myself on the matter (but do not for one minute profess to be an expert). How can there ever be peace when Israel force innocent people from their homes to build new settlements for Jews?

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