Middle East Conflict (merged)

Jordan, UAE, Saudi Arabia etc all want peace and some have signed peace agreement with Israel.
You will notice that there has not been a single shot fired between Israel and these countries.

Israel is a peace loving nation and people. Don't take my words for it. Judge them by their actions.

For example, look at how they fight against their enemies in battle. They give advance warnings for civilians to evacuate before they attack. How many Arab countries have ever done such a thing to the civilian population during wartime?

Despite the constant rocket attack from Hamas, Israel still opened their hospitals to treat Palestinian children. Even the Hamas leader was treated of cancer in an Israeli hospital. They allowed many thousands to cross the border into Israel to work and feed their families (Egypt refused Palestinians this privilege).

Look at the war in Gaza. Many people will tell you there's genocide going on. Hamas figures stated around 40 thousand dead so far. This figure includes Hamas fighters, civilians plus people who died of natural causes. From a population of more than two million, this is not what genocide looks like. Bashar Assad murdered more than 500k people within a short period but no one accuse him of genocide.

Israel allowed food convoys into Gaza only to be snatched by Hamas. I wait for anyone to show me any country at war that allowed food into enemy territory.

These are some of the facts that drive my position. Not sound bites from the crowd.
Some of your points are of course correct, however you can not keep denying statehood and brutalising a population and and not expect consequences, both on the world stage and domestically, the difference between Assed and the Israel Assed has never claimed any moral high ground and has never had any pretentions of peaceful coexistence with anyone but his own family and russia

Where does Israel want and need to sit? It either becomes an apartheid state in a few years (with the rate of Arab population growth ) or gives the Palestinians a state of their own, yes one can argue that there is plenty of space all over the Arab world for a separate state but that's not the point (personally I would have given them the Sinai Peninsular but that ships sailed) so it has to be a contiguous area on what we know as the West Bank
By the way already the IDF have lost 7 soldiers and they have not advance much further than 1.5 Km and then had to retreat, the trap has well and truly been set the IDF can not sustain high casualty rates so proportionately 7 is a big loss. the Israelis have a saying 'Stuck in the Lebanese Mud' easy to get into but hard to get out of my Israeli friends are convinced that Hezbollah wanted an invasion because war is what they thrive on after all it was how they were created in the first place
Apart from Ducado most of the others just seem to think Israel are not occupying anywhere and have stolen no land. So their argument is why do our neighbours keep attacking us when we've done fuckall wrong!
I know what is guaranteed to get Israel to attack you and Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran have done it in spades.
Trying to kill Israelis begats a guaranteed response. Israel's opponents clearly wanted it and they will get it.- Israel is predictable.
Indeed, Israel's opponents couldn't give a shit about their own people. They want the genocide of 7.5m Jews in Isrrael and Palestine. Nothing else will do.
Sadly many on here clearly want that end result too. Talk of relocating Jews elsewhere is simply code for genocide as the Nazis did.
Israel can only give Palestinians their rights if they can be trusted. Sadly they can't be trusted at the momenr and and as things stand I can never see it happening.
Israel is not helping itself with some if it's actions but that is actually the result of a total lack of trust in the motives of it's opponents.
A spiral of death and destruction results till Palestinians and others see sense. Maybe the Israeli's being optimistic about trusting the Palestians too. But as things stand there isn’t a chance of that.
Till that day when Palestinians are willing to admit thar Israelis have as much right to coexist in the area then I will support Israel's right to defend itself against a murderous genocidal tyrany.
Sadly it isn't going to hange any time soon.
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Thank you for confirming that Jewish tribes were expelled.
What happened to the remaining Jewish tribes. Are they still in Arabia today

No records of the Nadir, Qanuyna and Qurayza in Arabia now. Nadir and Qanuyna were expelled to today’s Syria. Expulsion however was not every single person. Moderate Jews from Nadir and Qanuyna who still abided to the constitution remained.

Qurayza’s fate however was more corporal because the punishment was death to men. Although they were pardoned earlier under the constitution, because of their previous (when the Qurayza attacked and besieged the Muslim and Medinan territory as assistance with Quraisy polytheists) the Qurayza was not spared. The remaining Qurayza women and children were however freed by the moderate Nadir of Medina.

The Shutayba tribe Jews did remain in the Arabia under the Medina constitution then, because the Shutayba allied with the Islam governance while still retaining their freedom of Jewish faith.

No one knows if Shutayba still has pure bloodline today because Arab tribes during the constitutions had interfaith marriage (though I understand that marriage means to convert to the given religion).

In general, the moderate Jews who defected from their initial tribes of Qanuyna and Nadir, and the Shutayba Jews who were pacifists, and other Jew tribes too ‘neutral’ to be documented as the infamous three tribes, were not recorded further in the annals of history and just referred to under the umbrella term Jews.
Jordan, UAE, Saudi Arabia etc all want peace and some have signed peace agreement with Israel.
You will notice that there has not been a single shot fired between Israel and these countries.

Israel is a peace loving nation and people. Don't take my words for it. Judge them by their actions.

For example, look at how they fight against their enemies in battle. They give advance warnings for civilians to evacuate before they attack. How many Arab countries have ever done such a thing to the civilian population during wartime?

Despite the constant rocket attack from Hamas, Israel still opened their hospitals to treat Palestinian children. Even the Hamas leader was treated of cancer in an Israeli hospital. They allowed many thousands to cross the border into Israel to work and feed their families (Egypt refused Palestinians this privilege).

Look at the war in Gaza. Many people will tell you there's genocide going on. Hamas figures stated around 40 thousand dead so far. This figure includes Hamas fighters, civilians plus people who died of natural causes. From a population of more than two million, this is not what genocide looks like. Bashar Assad murdered more than 500k people within a short period but no one accuse him of genocide.

Israel allowed food convoys into Gaza only to be snatched by Hamas. I wait for anyone to show me any country at war that allowed food into enemy territory.

These are some of the facts that drive my position. Not sound bites from the crowd.
Where to even start with this steaming pile of shite.

Israel a peace loving nation? There's a tonne of pictoral evidence from Gaza that would suggest otherwise; and more coming from Lebanon with every passing minute. Homes destroyed, hospitals destroyed, schools destroyed, families torn apart, thousands of children lying dead under rubble.

They give advance warnings of their intentions to kill and destroy? How nice of them. I'm sure that was a reassurance to the millions that have been displaced or killed.

Opening their hospitals to children? Again, how pleasant of them. Here's an idea, don't try to kill them in the first place.

Assad has been rightly coined a genocidal scumbag by basically every democracy in the world, so not sure where you're going with that.

And it's interesting you bring food convoys up, because not long ago two British citizens were killed by the IDF whilst trying to deliver food to starving Palestinians.

And I'll preempt your whataboutism response by stating, irreducibly, that Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorists. That doesn't change the fact that Netanyahu, his enablers, and the IDF are also terrorists.
Mate, the simple fact is the IDF have killed way too many civilians in Gaza, whatever spin you try and put on it. The majority of the bombing clearly isn't targeted or intelligence led given the civillian death toll.
Civilians in Gaza ?
Kids who learn from age 4
Hate, kill ,what education what generation what a chance to them for normal ?
Hamas caver is that civilian in conical way
The world believes that picture
- we have the right to defend our country, one bomb in London not 181 like yesterday
And the world will justify any attack on civilians wherever they are
Jordan, UAE, Saudi Arabia etc all want peace and some have signed peace agreement with Israel.
You will notice that there has not been a single shot fired between Israel and these countries.

Israel is a peace loving nation and people. Don't take my words for it. Judge them by their actions.

For example, look at how they fight against their enemies in battle. They give advance warnings for civilians to evacuate before they attack. How many Arab countries have ever done such a thing to the civilian population during wartime?

Despite the constant rocket attack from Hamas, Israel still opened their hospitals to treat Palestinian children. Even the Hamas leader was treated of cancer in an Israeli hospital. They allowed many thousands to cross the border into Israel to work and feed their families (Egypt refused Palestinians this privilege).

Look at the war in Gaza. Many people will tell you there's genocide going on. Hamas figures stated around 40 thousand dead so far. This figure includes Hamas fighters, civilians plus people who died of natural causes. From a population of more than two million, this is not what genocide looks like. Bashar Assad murdered more than 500k people within a short period but no one accuse him of genocide.

Israel allowed food convoys into Gaza only to be snatched by Hamas. I wait for anyone to show me any country at war that allowed food into enemy territory.

These are some of the facts that drive my position. Not sound bites from the crowd.
What a load of bollocks
Civilians in Gaza ?
Kids who learn from age 4
Hate, kill ,what education what generation what a chance to them for normal ?
Hamas caver is that civilian in conical way
The world believes that picture
- we have the right to defend our country, one bomb in London not 181 like yesterday
And the world will justify any attack on civilians wherever they are
Why are the Palistinians caged up like wild Animals, Food and water and everything else comes with the Israelis permission?
aCivilians in Gaza ?
Kids who learn from age 4
Hate, kill ,what education what generation what a chance to them for normal ?
Hamas caver is that civilian in conical way
The world believes that picture
- we have the right to defend our country, one bomb in London not 181 like yesterday
And the world will justify any attack on civilians wherever they are

This opinion here is a perfect testament of supremacy.

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