Middle East Conflict (merged)

Hezbollah and Hamas coukdnt give a shit about their own people. The goal is the extermination of Israel.
If they did care they wouldn't have been launching missiles into Israel for years that Israel wouldn't need to respond to.
Just because Israel has the best anti missile defences in tge world doesn't mean they should turn the other cheek all the time.
The shear volume of attacks over the last 5 years has to be responded to.
Of course they don't care but Israel is a country and should hold itself to international standards and especially military rules of engagement.

Why did we bother spending 10 years trying to kill ISIS in slowtime? Why didn't we just obliterate every single city in the entire Middle East known to harbour ISIS? At least we'd get em in the end? Obviously the reason why is it'd result in millions of dead innocents.

If the UK commits to a strike then that has to go through hoops and lawyers to ensure that the risk to civilians is basically zero. Other forms of attack have to be considered if the civilian collateral is high for example they would use smaller guided bombs or send in special forces or something else.

Do these rules not apply to Israel? The rules say that if they can't kill terrorists without killing civilians or don't mitigate that risk then the methods they're using are wrong and potentially illegal. Israel can still defend itself within those rules but nobody can justify that levelling entire cities of civilians is self-defence.
That would be true if Hamas and Hezbollah wanted peace. They don't- their goal is the complete and utter destruction of Israel and it's Jewish population.
I am sure there are many people in both organisations or supporters that think that way, I once knew a Catholic from Northern Ireland who told me peace would only come by the expulsion of all the protestants from Northern Island, and it was a genuine strand of opinion on the the extremes of Irish Republicanism at one stage, but peace prevailed not perfect but here we are

Stated goals are actually pretty meaningless without the means to carry them out, you are making the mistake of taking notice of the extremes of Arab and Muslim thinking, I could point you to extremist Jewish groups who want to create a greater Israel (somewhat akin to the ancient lands) and the expulsion of all non jews, it's quite easy to find them as many of them are in the Israeli government as we speak

We can go around in circles with they said this and they said that, and ignore what the problem is a people suffering dreadful oppression and brutality, and until we do this wanton destruction will go on and on
Until both sides accept that the other side has a right to exist and self governance with clearly defined borders (and enforceable penalties for non observance) then this is going nowhere.
Of course they don't care but Israel is a country and should hold itself to international standards and especially military rules of engagement.

Why did we bother spending 10 years trying to kill ISIS in slowtime? Why didn't we just obliterate every single city in the entire Middle East known to harbour ISIS? At least we'd get em in the end? Obviously the reason why is it'd result in millions of dead innocents.

If the UK commits to a strike then that has to go through hoops and lawyers to ensure that the risk to civilians is basically zero. Other forms of attack have to be considered if the civilian collateral is high for example they would use smaller guided bombs or send in special forces or something else.

Do these rules not apply to Israel? The rules say that if they can't kill terrorists without killing civilians or don't mitigate that risk then the methods they're using are wrong and potentially illegal. Israel can still defend itself within those rules but nobody can justify that levelling entire cities of civilians is self-defence.
Tbf, they’re surrounded by countries, people and ideologies that are trying to wipe them from the face of the earth by any means possible, yet they’re expected to accept and allow the full integration of said peoples into their country, lives and institutions…and sit down with them to talk about “peace,” while only serving as a proxy for a much larger, stronger, and militarily significant adversary that doesn’t like to get its hands dirty.

There’s not many places on earth where you can look at the horizon, in all directions, and say, “They want to annihilate us!”
Tbf, they’re surrounded by countries, people and ideologies that are trying to wipe them from the face of the earth by any means possible, yet they’re expected to accept and allow the full integration of said peoples into their country, lives and institutions…and sit down with them to talk about “peace,” while only serving as a proxy for a much larger, stronger, and militarily significant adversary that doesn’t like to get its hands dirty.

There’s not many places on earth where you can look at the horizon, in all directions, and say, “They want to annihilate us!”
Do you think Israel will give the land back that theve stolen and stop the occupation. That will kinda help things don't you think?
Tbf, they’re surrounded by countries, people and ideologies that are trying to wipe them from the face of the earth by any means possible, yet they’re expected to accept and allow the full integration of said peoples into their country, lives and institutions…and sit down with them to talk about “peace,” while only serving as a proxy for a much larger, stronger, and militarily significant adversary that doesn’t like to get its hands dirty.

There’s not many places on earth where you can look at the horizon, in all directions, and say, “They want to annihilate us!”
They have peace treaties with their two closest neighbours and prior to this kick off bilateral trade and travel was doing very well, it's a bit of a myth it's perfectly possible for the two peoples to live side by side, the other option is more war more death and destruction it's this simplistic view from many in America that is partly fueling this, its enabling the extremists in israel to carry on with the excuse "well they hate us " so we just carry on which leads us to here, when are you going to learn that this is not leading to peace and prosperity for all just death and destruction perhaps it's time to start thinking a little deeper about this
Millions and millions of displaced people from the Middle East will be doing all they can to make there way to safe European countries - more migration will cause alot of issues and more European nations will turn to the far right. i fear.
How did that year begin?

10 January 2001
The Israeli Peace Now movement accuses the government and security forces of running a policy of selective assassination of Palestinian leaders deemed to be security threats. There have been ten such killings so far.

21 January 2001
A Jewish settler who clubbed an Arab child to death with a rifle butt is sentenced to six months' community service. Human rights organisations are outraged by the sentence.
I am sure there are many people in both organisations or supporters that think that way, I once knew a Catholic from Northern Ireland who told me peace would only come by the expulsion of all the protestants from Northern Island, and it was a genuine strand of opinion on the the extremes of Irish Republicanism at one stage, but peace prevailed not perfect but here we are

Stated goals are actually pretty meaningless without the means to carry them out, you are making the mistake of taking notice of the extremes of Arab and Muslim thinking, I could point you to extremist Jewish groups who want to create a greater Israel (somewhat akin to the ancient lands) and the expulsion of all non jews, it's quite easy to find them as many of them are in the Israeli government as we speak

We can go around in circles with they said this and they said that, and ignore what the problem is a people suffering dreadful oppression and brutality, and until we do this wanton destruction will go on and on
Whilst I agree with you to a large degree why must it be Israel that always has to give ground?
As in Northern Ireland it takes two to tango. Hezbollah, Hamas and Iran are simply not interested.

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