Middle East Conflict (merged)

Not sure how you extrapolate that from my mistaken assumption you were talking about Ahmed Yassin who happened to be wheelchair bound. I haven't commented on the others on the list and I am sure that many of them died in unjustifiable circumstances.

No I'm done with discussing with you pal. I regretted wasting my time on all the whatabouterism really when it's clear as day that your slanted view of this situation supersedes an honest discussion.
No I'm done with discussing with you pal. I regretted wasting my time on all the whatabouterism really when it's clear as day that your slanted view of this situation supersedes an honest discussion.
I have criticised excesses by the IDF and made plain my disdain for Netanyahu and his right wing government. I have seen you make numerous comments that do their best to delegitimise the very existence of the state of Israel and try to justify everything that the Palestinians and neighbouring Arab countries have ever done and have never once tried to look at it from both sides, so it's probably a good idea that we stop discussing it.
No I'm done with discussing with you pal. I regretted wasting my time on all the whatabouterism really when it's clear as day that your slanted view of this situation supersedes an honest discussion.
Don't think your input on this thread hasn't been appreciated mate, ive read these lengthy post between you & West Dids twice over so i can take it all in. Fascinating stuff.
No I'm done with discussing with you pal. I regretted wasting my time on all the whatabouterism really when it's clear as day that your slanted view of this situation supersedes an honest discussion.

To be fair,people on both sides of this debate very often fall into the trap of attempting to defend the indefensible.
Nobody is saying that but why are Isreal never challenged when it is committing some of the most horrific crimes to humanity? I have nothing against Isreal or its people but the Isreal government is a nasty vile group of legitimised terrorist group. The foot soldiers are just that its the government pumping out the propaganda that legitimises the shoot first ask questions later policy
Maybe Israel should copy the tactics used by Turkey against the kurds, Saudi against Yemen or Pakistan in Balochistsn
This man, Jonathan Cook, seems to echo a lot of my sentiments regarding Israel. I'd be interested to hear our resident Israel supporters' opinion of him.
I couldn't be arsed reading all of it but it seems typical of the left-wing crap about anti-semitism, written by someone who's never experienced any sort of discrimination, telling other people who regularly suffer it that they're imagining it.

Would anyone dare tell a black person that they're not being insulted because of the colour of their skin but because of Mugabe's actions in Zimbabwe or the genocide in Rwanda?

Cook's comments claim that it isn't a crisis (as some are claiming) and that the Labour party is less antisemitic than others. Well it will be a crisis if they don't deal with it and there should be NO racism in the Labour Party, not merely a level that is less than other parties.
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