Middle East Conflict

There is absolutely no excuse, for either side and at whatever time, for killing innocent people. It's absolutely disgusting.
This all day long. We can all argue the rights and wrongs of this conflict depending on the view you take but it’s the people on the ground from both sides I feel sorry for and the wankers that commit these terrible acts should be ashamed and punished.

Human warmongering returns to Gaza.
The PLO also wanted the destruction of Israel and the recapture of it's land, it was only at the Oslo Accord that they abandoned this.

Israel doesn't want to negotiate either. If they were to offer to give something up, then compromise on the other side is possible.
The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement says otherwise
He has a right to an opinion like anyone else.

we all know about opinions anyway? Crashed the board awhile ago. Wonder what happened?
Of course he’s allowed an opinion. I was questioning why a public figure has decided to chip in with quite a controversial quote for no apparent reason.

There now seems to be a question whether it’s a fake account, despite being verified.

Brighton have confirmed it on their Instagram page with the following message: "Roberto and the club are aware of the fake verified Instagram account @robtzerbi. This account is NOT run by Roberto or his representatives, and has absolutely no association with him.

So I apologise for posting it in the first place, but did so because it felt unnecessary and bizarre.
Give up what to a terrorist organisation that’s sole aim is the destruction of the Israeli state?

Their lives?

Hamas don’t want concessions on land, they want to kill everything that moves in Israel.

I'm sure the same was said of the PLO.

Give up settlements, the right of return, or maybe give an offer of economic co-operation and assistance.

People with jobs and security aren't likely to want to engage in suicidal militancy are they?
Can't disagree with that Tim.
Although I don’t condone hamas killing innocents I do think Israel have been getting away with scorched earth policies for decades and also they enter any country of there choosing with no regard for un if any other organisation. The Palestinian people know that there homes are gonna be flattened yet again but when you are oppressed and have nothing what choice is there .
Of course he’s allowed an opinion. I was questioning why a public figure has decided to chip in with quite a controversial quote for no apparent reason.

There now seems to be a question whether it’s a fake account, despite being verified.

Brighton have confirmed it on their Instagram page with the following message: "Roberto and the club are aware of the fake verified Instagram account @robtzerbi. This account is NOT run by Roberto or his representatives, and has absolutely no association with him.

So I apologise for posting it in the first place, but did so because it felt unnecessary and bizarre.
No apology needed. Thanks for the reply.
Look whats happening to the planet and yet people still try to take the piss out of climate activists being 'woke idiots' - says it all really.
For me, it's only the privileged elites flying around in private jets, regularly using private yachts, etc., and then making it out that the regular people are the problem. The same regular people usually do their best to contribute on their side with simple things to help the environment within their financial constraints. Meanwhile, a lot of the people in power don't give a shit themselves. It's all words, no action. Of course, anyone purposely not caring and mocking the cause is an idiot, naturally.
The PLO were just extreme, arguably more so, because of international hostage taking.

They abandoned the hardlinism for a small moment in time when offered something in return.

If Israel wants peace and security then it has to give something up.
If you believe that if isreal handed over the 'stolen land ' it would all end your sadly miss guided
Imagine the following scenario. The worldwide gypsy community after suffering at the hands of the authorities wherever they lived in the world are given by the UN a homeland in England.The native English after initially resisting end up living on the peripheries, in Kent and Cornwall. Some are absorbed into the Gypsy state but are treated as 2nd class citizens. The exiled English plan all sorts of attacks but due to the new state being backed by the US find it impossible to defeat their foes etc etc
Not condoning what's been going on.
Just wondering how we would feel in these circumstances. And what we would do.

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