Middle East Conflict

One of, if not the biggest solution is for Israel to have none of the land it's illegally took. There's no middle of the road regarding this main issue. The Palestinians shouldn't give an inch of this land to Israel. Its something yourself and others simply can't or won't discuss.

The weird thing about all this is Three active posters on this thread defending Israel are lambasting Russia for encroaching and stealing Ukrainian land.

I mean you just have to fuckin Laugh.
The difference is that Ukraine has borders that are internationally recognised. The borders of Israel and Palestine have never been agreed. In the past, Israel returned the Sinai to Egypt to enable the peace deal in the late 70s. Israel also withdrew to the internationally recognised border in south Lebanon in the 90s. At present the only internationally recognised border that it hasn’t withdrawn to is in the north east with Syria but a peace deal with Assad that would facilitate the return of the Golan Heights is not a realistic prospect at the moment.

As for Palestine, a return to post 1967 borders with land swaps covering the biggest settlements was the deal that nearly happened 25 years ago and should be the only realistic choice. Unfortunately the settler movement in Israel holds far too much sway with the Israeli government and the actions of Hamas have made it extremely difficult for compromises to be made. Both sides need to get rid of their extremist elements. I said years ago that Netanyahu was the biggest obstacle to peace and the murderous actions of Hamas on 7/10 have given him the excuse to be hardline and keep himself in power with the support of the settler leaders.
I honestly do not know what to reply. Many seem to hate each other, it's a war, someone will end up winning and someone will end up losing. A lot of people who could not care less whether the land is called Israel or Palestine will/have died. A lot of people who do care whether the land is called Israel/Palestine will/have died. I'm suggesting we try something a bit different to death.

Palestine circa 1896.
Almost 110 years ago.

Did the Jews, Christians, Muslims, Druze and other religions be more volatile on death and kills before Zionism than after Zionism (1910s)?

Sporadic tribal skirmishes yes, but hardly ever compared to the time of Revisionist Zionism, Judenrate, Betar, and the Irgun, Palmach, Lehi and Haganah who all had one common cause - Promised Land exclusive to Revisionist Judaism
James O'Brien calling out those branding people 'anti semitic' when people are actually just calling out the monstrous genocide and ethnic cleansing by israel:

"Tens of thousands of people are dead, hospitals are being bombed, schools are being attacked, people are being set on fire, and a third of the governing party is planning on spending this weekend calling for the cleansed territory to be occupied illegally by Israeli, and you think there's something anti-semitic about describing the truth; the facts".

Israeli's are already bragging about removing Palestinians permanently from Jabalia.

Ethnic cleansing:

Looks like it wasn't about any hostages at all (well knock me down with a feather). Nevermind, only 40000+ people been slaughtered so far.

James O'Brien calling out those branding people 'anti semitic' when people are actually just calling out the monstrous genocide and ethnic cleansing by israel:

"Tens of thousands of people are dead, hospitals are being bombed, schools are being attacked, people are being set on fire, and a third of the governing party is planning on spending this weekend calling for the cleansed territory to be occupied illegally by Israeli, and you think there's something anti-semitic about describing the truth; the facts".

Israeli's are already bragging about removing Palestinians permanently from Jabalia.

Ethnic cleansing:

Looks like it wasn't about any hostages at all (well knock me down with a feather). Nevermind, only 40000+ people been slaughtered so far.


Lebanon will go the way of Palestine in the coming months. Conveniently Israel continue to expand their ‘operations’ deeper into their country. But the hostages.
James O'Brien calling out those branding people 'anti semitic' when people are actually just calling out the monstrous genocide and ethnic cleansing by israel:

"Tens of thousands of people are dead, hospitals are being bombed, schools are being attacked, people are being set on fire, and a third of the governing party is planning on spending this weekend calling for the cleansed territory to be occupied illegally by Israeli, and you think there's something anti-semitic about describing the truth; the facts".

Israeli's are already bragging about removing Palestinians permanently from Jabalia.

Ethnic cleansing:

Looks like it wasn't about any hostages at all (well knock me down with a feather). Nevermind, only 40000+ people been slaughtered so far.


JOB is still a ****. He's part of the problem
Good points. The moderates basically need to eradicate the extremists in their own countries! Which means civil war on top of the current conflict. What a mess.

Some people just see it in 'Winning' and 'Losing' terms whilst many of us do not particularly care who wins and loses and just see it as a 'Living' or 'Dying' issue. I'm hopeful that the void left by Hamas is filled with people who are absolutely sick of this shit show and show a real willingness to negotiate. The Israelis, in return, could elect leaders who, likewise, have a real willingness to negotiate a mutually beneficial existence.

Wasn't the Northern Ireland peace movement led by two women? Wouldn't it be wonderful if two peace movements were created in each country and led by women? Women tend to think different to men!
It won't be the Israeli ambassador to the UK leading a peace movement. Not much different thinking from her.

"I want it to be clear that I do not recognise the national rights of Palestinians in the Land of Israel. I recognise their human rights and their individual rights, and also their individual political rights - but between the sea and Jordan there is room for one state, a Jewish state."
remember when that was an anti-Semitic statement?
No, no, get it right.

That was "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." The other one is fine (and Likud had toned that down from when it was "From to sea to beyond the river ...")
The answer is probably yes. Just like native Americans would have avoided a genocide if only they'd said "of course you can have our land and kill off all our food sources".

Is this how you think?

"All the trouble is due to misunderstanding – the Arabs have not understood us, and that is the only reason why they resist us; if we can only make it clear to them how moderate our intentions really are, they will immediately extend to us their hand in friendship."
I see this got no reply.

For the record, this was Revisionist Zionist Jabotinsky describing what naive Zionists thought. He was arguing that the Arabs would resist the hostile colonisation of their land, so Zionists would have to show it wasn't worthwhile trying to resist.

What's going on now is the same policy. The only remnant of a figleaf for that continued policy is that the Arabs had their chance in 1948 to give in gracefully to Zionist terrorism and a few mild atrocities.

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