Middle East Conflict

No, you answer my question first.

And now a simple Yes or No for you.

Would the Palestinians be better off today if they had stuck to the 1947 UN Partition Plan?
The answer is probably yes. Just like native Americans would have avoided a genocide if only they'd said "of course you can have our land and kill off all our food sources".

Is this how you think?

"All the trouble is due to misunderstanding – the Arabs have not understood us, and that is the only reason why they resist us; if we can only make it clear to them how moderate our intentions really are, they will immediately extend to us their hand in friendship."
They are trying this one again

which makes this kinda awkward

Bbc have had a look round and found nothing too

It's just what israel does - lies and lies and lies, and murders and tortures people

Shameful that they are gonna try the same pathetic lies which have been disproven before, and that everyone is gonna sit back and do fuck all whilst they continue to bomb and murder everyone
Bbc have had a look round and found nothing too

It's just what israel does - lies and lies and lies, and murders and tortures people

Shameful that they are gonna try the same pathetic lies which have been disproven before, and that everyone is gonna sit back and do fuck all whilst they continue to bomb and murder everyone

Yep. The infamous "command and control" centre under Al Shifa ....

Meanwhile...... every accusation and all that.

Look, my point is that the Palestinians do not seem to have won anything with war but utter misery and loss of land. After each 'war', as per usual, the victors rewrite the borders to their liking. That's how it is. That's how it has always been. If Palestine would have won then Israel would not exist BUT Palestine did not win, Israel did. Having lost a war you cannot just shake hands and say lets go back to exactly how it was pre war. You are at the mercy of the victors.
I go back to my original post.
The Palestinians need to forget war and concentrate on gaining the moral high ground and popular support by dropping the annihilation of Israel nonsense and promoting peaceful protest. Both sides need to be realistic, both sides need to compromise. And, perhaps even more important, both sides need to prove they are trustworthy partners.
Sounds like Might is Right.
The answer is probably yes. Just like native Americans would have avoided a genocide if only they'd said "of course you can have our land and kill off all our food sources".

Is this how you think?

"All the trouble is due to misunderstanding – the Arabs have not understood us, and that is the only reason why they resist us; if we can only make it clear to them how moderate our intentions really are, they will immediately extend to us their hand in friendship."
Might is Right.
They lost against American armed Israel.
Get over it.
"A long-time senior Israeli government official and Netanyahu/Liduk adviser, Jordana Cutler, is now the chief of Facebook's US censorship unit on Israel and Palestine."

Expect (even more) censorship of people speaking up against the ongoing genocide. Loads of anti genocide accounts have been throttled on Twitter since Mr free speech himself elon musk took his little tour to Israel (Lowkeys account being the one that instantly springs to mind - he was shadow banned so you wouldn't see his tweets on your timeline and even if you searched his account on Twitter he didn't show up). Looks like they've got Facebook and Instagram wrapped up

"A long-time senior Israeli government official and Netanyahu/Liduk adviser, Jordana Cutler, is now the chief of Facebook's US censorship unit on Israel and Palestine."

Expect (even more) censorship of people speaking up against the ongoing genocide. Loads of anti genocide accounts have been throttled on Twitter since Mr free speech himself elon musk took his little tour to Israel (Lowkeys account being the one that instantly springs to mind - he was shadow banned so you wouldn't see his tweets on your timeline and even if you searched his account on Twitter he didn't show up). Looks like they've got Facebook and Instagram wrapped up

saw this today. I am not a fan of conspiracy theories nor the idea that a Zionist cabal rules the world but I really do think that there is time (now) for a review of the world situation. Example - do they need a senior Arab/Muslim in post to counter this? Simply to ask the questions why and what if?

Most of the worlds ills can be fixed by that sort of thing - a counter balance in place to ask why and not to stop asking why until there is an answer or it becomes clear its bollocks. A good example would be in UK or USA politics - eg when Trump or Starmer or Johnson or anyone makes a point and just not to leave the point until they get an answer OR the person being questioned runs away. Remember how Truss folded like a sub-standard lettuce when local BBC reporters put her to that sword? Probably never to be repeated for the foreseeable sadly but for me nail every **** and their statement to the desk and never give up until you get an answer - you will get a different class of person coming into Politics

There is still a way out of this endless cycle of violence, but it demands a paradigm shift from those who have the power in the region and the world to impact the reality on the ground. The hegemonic discourse that focuses on ‘peace’ between the coloniser and the colonised is irrelevant to that reality. The appropriate term to use is decolonisation, which will include the substitution of the apartheid regime that exists all over historical Palestine.
The cessation of the efforts to dispossess the Palestinians, the rectification of past evils in the form of the repatriation of Palestinian refugees, and the institutionalisation of a political regime based on equality in all aspects of life between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea is the only hope for genuine peace in the future. The Palestinians do not have the power to obtain that future without the help of that part of the world that allowed a settler movement to dispossess them in 1948 and ever since. Britain and the USA are particularly complicit in the cartography of disaster that has enveloped historical Palestine since the arrival of the Zionist movement. They have a historical responsibility to stop the genocide in Gaza and the destruction of the West Bank, and to then enable the Palestinian liberation movement to build a new Palestine akin to that of the past, where Muslims, Christians, and Jews coexisted as one nation.
If this does not happen, Israel will not survive for long. Like the Crusaders many years before them, Israeli Jews will find out that you cannot impose a European state on the native people of an Arab Palestine against their will. To prevent the violent destruction of this colonialist project — one that also brought blessings to the country in many areas of life — and produce an authentic Hebrew culture, a non-violent decolonisation leading to one democratic state is the only viable option.

The paradigm shift required is reflected in a lot of the "why are they like this" questioning in here today. Ask those same questions to the occupier rather than the occupied and the whole rationale collapses on it's internal contradictions.


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