Middle East Conflict

Israeli Ministers only this year have called for Palestinian towns to be erased and denied the existence of Palestinian people.
Classic whataboutary.
Isreal has it's loons too but they keep being proven right time and time again.
Isreal being a democracy would probably put them back in their box if they could see REAL steps where being taken to gain TRUST.
It never happens.
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There are hardliners on both sides. As a previous poster has highlighted Israel once encouraged the rise of Hamas.

You've seen the way that people like MCFC Israel talk about Palestinians and the way Israeli politicians talk about them.

There's no appetite from the Zionists to share their toys either.

Israel hasn't been trying to negotiate with Fatah either have they?
Define Zionist as you mean it.
I answer every single post on here, the one that was asked I've answered a dozen times. Unfortunately some seem to be cool about what the Israelis have done for 50 years.
So for clarification do you belive if the stolen land was handed back, Isreal would be left in peace
Classic whataboutary.
Isreal has it's loons too but they keep being proven right time and time again.
Isreal being a democracy would probably put them back in their box if they could see REAL steps where being taken to gain TRUST.
It never happens.

Have you seen what Netenyahu has been up to recently? Israel's democracy is not a given any more.
I remember watching a documentary on this conflict. It must be at least thirty years ago, maybe more now. Yet another peace deal was trying to be brokered or something. They were interviewing a Palestinian leader and the interviewer asked what would satisfy them and bring about peace to the region. He answered no peace until every Jew is eradicated. I thought then it's fucked, you can't negotiate with that mindset. I was right.
When Channel 4 News first started in 1982 , it always started each daily programme with images of the IDF bombarding Beirut and The Bekaa Valley as they were in conflict with the PLO at the time. And that was over 40 years ago.
And my earliest recollection of any war , was watching tanks and troops storming through the deserts of The Middle East, in black and white on the TV we had at the time.
That was The Six Day War in 1967, I was 11 years old at the time.
So as others have already mentioned, this ongoing conflict has been going on for most of our lifetimes.
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So for clarification do you belive if the stolen land was handed back, Isreal would be left in peace

I'd like to think the land given back and total withdrawal of occupation will see it peaceful. You'll then post but Hamas want to erase Israel off the Map. Too which I will then refer you to my post about Israeli Ministers thinking likewise. The circle continues.

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