Middle East Conflict

Sure, and unpleasant people in other religions do likewise.

And there are many Muslims who would have no truck whatever with their religion being used by Hamas in this way.

Using religion to justify evil is not unique to Islam.

The original question was do the muslims dislike the jews. All the answers to that are contained within that 'immutable' word. You do understand immutable don't you ?

This is taught from birth !
I never said ignore history but there’s no point not looking for a solution. We were at war with Germany and there were horrific war crimes committed, we didn’t use that as a barrier to deny peace and we did find a solution and lasting harmony.

As I said, this goes nowhere if genuine conciliation is not on the table, regardless of history it’s the here and now that’s important, unfortunately whilst we have zealots leading both sides ordinary people will never have the life they deserve, it’s sad as fuck.
This has been my main takeaway over the past few days. There doesn't seem to be anyone on either side in a position of real power who is prepared to sit down and talk things through with the other side.

Those who hold the power are too entrenched in their views for me. I've been following bits on Channel 4 News and they're trying to be balanced in talking to people from both sides who are associated with their respective leaders. However, none of them seem interested in entertaining the questions being put to them, instead going off on one. For instance, the night before last they had the Israeli ambassador to the UK on and the question was put to her about all the innocent lives that will doubtless be lost in Gaza as a result of Israel's response. She just totally lost the plot and kept telling Krishnan to stop defending Gaza and Hamas when he was doing no such thing, and was instead defending innocent people. I get that she was pissed off and upset about what had happened but someone in an ambassadorial role ought to be a bit more diplomatic. It was like she didn't give a fuck about innocent Palestinian lives being lost and Krishnan was struggling to get a word in edgeways. There was pretty much a carbon copy response last night when Matt Frei interviewed someone from Hamas. He asked about the Israeli hostages and would they be treated properly, to which the Hamas bloke said they would. When Frei pushed him further on this by highlighting the Hamas statement that one hostage would be killed for every unannounced air strike, he lost the plot and ended up going off on a tangent and like the Israeli ambassador the night before, resorting to whataboutery. It's impossible to get any semblance of an apology from any of these people for innocent lives lost on the opposite side.
Why though would British citizens with no connection to the region, no family, never visited there, take to the streets to wave the flag just after the slaughter of 1,000 civilians.

Is this a serious post. Are you saying all the folk waving Palestinian flags have absolutely nothing in common with the area? I mean I'm seeing a lot of Brown faces so I'm confused how you've come up with this theory?
The thing is, there is a pattern emerging, Israel will bomb the shit out of Gaza, have a limited ground incursion ( I doubt they would want the hell of urban war, with the subsequent losses) the bodies will start to pile high, the world will get squeamish and nervous, enough pressure will be brought about to get them to stop, and on and on it goes!

As long as the underlying issues are not dealt with we will be back here again and again
Lmao this guy.
Hey I'm not the One who's been posting beheading post for the last 16 hours which haven't been totally verified, Maybe you say "LMAO" to Eds who doesn't believe Palestine exist or they are in no way under occupation of any sort. Just something for you to think about, He's also stated no one should be waving the flags even Palestinians as it is support for Hamas in past post.
Why though would British citizens with no connection to the region, no family, never visited there, take to the streets to wave the flag just after the slaughter of 1,000 civilians.

Because believe it or not a sizeable amount of the British population aren't particularly proud of Britain's role in the oppression of so many countries throughout history. That leads to sympathy with various oppressed or previously oppressed states and countries.

Particular to Palestine, there was rightly a huge outpouring of sympathy from Britain and people throughout Britain to Israel regarding the barbaric terrorist attack on Saturday morning, but many feel that the government and media here will set the narrative that Israel are and have always been the good guys and Palestine are the baddies. I'd guess many of those waving Palestine flags aren't celebrating Hamas or the attacks themselves but letting the Palestinian people know that they haven't been forgotten about in all of this and that the rhetoric can't simply be manufactured and history rewritten here.
Hey I'm not the One who's been posting beheading post for the last 16 hours which haven't been totally verified, Maybe you say "LMAO" to Eds who doesn't believe Palestine exist or they are in no way under occupation of any sort. Just something for you to think about.

Posting video interviews from soldiers claiming it you mean and then advising which media outlets are running with it you insufferable weasel.
Posting video interviews from soldiers claiming it you mean and then advising which media outlets are running with it you insufferable weasel.

Now now stop with the abuse, There's been conflicting reports from Netanyahu's camp saying it hasn't happened and it has. Are you also taking the word of an Israeli soldier as Gospel and fact. Even Ducado who is Jewish has said this could be propaganda bullshit which is the first thing that's said in wars.

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