Middle East Conflict

Think about that statement.

If the IRA suddenly bombed Manchester again this time killing hundreds then would you be okay with Irish Republican solidarity groups suddenly coming out to fly the Irish flag in central Manchester?

I'm not associating the Palestinian flag with terrorists but I am associating the people carrying it with *possibly* supporting terrorism.

Glorification of terrorist groups is illegal, it's a very fine line in my opinion.

possibly? Thats a big judgement to make
I am getting a little concerned that Hezbolla may get involved, they are very well armed and motivated and numerous, a regional conflict is not what we need

Again I see the hand of Russia controlling their new puppet Iran, it’s suits them down to the ground
I’m not thrilled at the idea but I am also of the opinion that Hezbolla would last about ten minutes if they wanted to serious have a go at Israel.
Oh yes, the Hamas charter calls for the destruction of of Israel, doesn't it?

As for Husain, I have The Islamist and his most recent publication Among the Mosques. But I haven't got around to either of them yet.

Nevertheless, I still think it is worth getting behind prominent Muslims like Husain, Ziauddin Sardar, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Sara Khan and Shiraz Maher, who have set themselves against the Salafi-jihadists, the Iranian theocracy, the Taliban and other extremists, for the simple reason that some of them have been saying that they are up against it, as they are contending with the Saudis, who have been using their oil wealth to spread the Wahhabi message of intolerance here, there and everywhere.

Yet the Saudis were formally arranging diplomatic relations with Isreal until the events of this weekend. (more a case of building alliances against Iran than of being friends is my guess)

Bluster matters not, the passages inciting violence, and hatred are still there, and are still being used, and cannot be changed. They can't even be 'reeled back' because of abrogation where the earlier passages of peace are replaced (for all time) by the later passages.
Just on that last sentence, are there not more Palestinian’s now alive than at any other point in their history? (Well before this latest round of Israeli air strikes)

If so, then is it correct to say they’ve been ethnically cleansed?
What would you describe 500 villages destroyed, 15000 slaughtered, 700,000 expelled from their homes and that was just during the Nakba. What we’ve witnessed since is a slow systematic ethnic cleansing and it’ll be turned up a few notches in the coming days & weeks of that I have no doubt. This has played right into the Bibi the butcher’s hands. The thought of what the IDF are going to the Palestinian civilians doesn’t bare thinking about based on their history.
Just on that last sentence, are there not more Palestinian’s now alive than at any other point in their history? (Well before this latest round of Israeli air strikes)

If so, then is it correct to say they’ve been ethnically cleansed?

Daft post.

Ethnic cleansing means removing an ethnicity from an area.

It doesn't mean Genocide Lite. Azerbaijan just ethnically cleansed Nagarno-Karabakh of 100,000 Armenian people.

They didn't get rounded up in camps, and murdered, they just fled to Armenia by their own means when their paramilitaries were defeated.
Doing it within 24 hours of a terrorist attack before any Israeli retaliation is, as we saw in Manchester on Sunday. The “Not in our name” banners were conspicuous by their absence.
same could be said about all the friends of Israel groups that have come out waving Israeli flags after previous massacres in Gaza. I’ve witnessed a former IDF soldier boasting about killing children and laughing about it. There’s scum bag elements on both sides of the debate, but one side seems to get an easy pass from the media in this country. No outcry whatsoever at the friends of Israel celebrating and justifying the murder of innocent civilians. If there is please show me.

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