Middle East Conflict

For all of that bluster, they don't have to look too far, or esoterically in the Koran for their excuses to hate, and kill Jews. It's there, and as straight forward as it gets.

Unfortunately, it is used and acted upon by a violent minority.

That's why I'm with this guy when it comes to pretty much all sacred texts in any religion:

'Scripture is no more than waste paper' (Kaiten Nukariya)
And not a word from 'sleepy Joe' and our own two twats Sunak and Keith, Hamas are rightly criticised because they are sick, twisted degenerates but it seems that odious butcher Bibi and his fellow hard right nuts have carte blanche to do as they please.
Unfortunately Hamas gave Netanyahu the green light to do what the fuck he wants by carrying out this mass slaughter. Prior to this Netanyahu was rightly getting plenty of criticism, and not just from Israel’s enemies. There’s no doubt Netanyahu set the scene for this by his politicisation of the security forces, his attempts to turn Israel from a democracy to an autocracy and by allowing the ultra religious far right settler movement to dominate Israeli politics, but Hamas has now given him a free pass by murdering 1200 Israelis. When the dust settles Israel needs to get rid of him and get back on the road to democracy and get someone in charge with enough respect, vision and authority to make some difficult decisions. I’m not hopeful that will be any time soon.
That's why I'm with this guy when it comes to pretty much all sacred texts in any religion:

'Scripture is no more than waste paper' (Kaiten Nukariya)

I agree absolutely that it's all no better than bog roll, and not even close to twin ply.

The problem is that it is still there, still being taught, and still being acted upon with horrific consequences. So what is the point of trying to wash it, or make excuses for it ?

It's there, and can't be denied !
And not a word from 'sleepy Joe' and our own two twats Sunak and Keith, Hamas are rightly criticised because they are sick, twisted degenerates but it seems that odious butcher Bibi and his fellow hard right nuts have carte blanche to do as they please.
Why? Hamas's butchery has given Isreal a free pass.
It should also be noted that Isreal does publish and broadcast where they are going to hit Hamas. Not that that will help when the generators run out if fuel.
Biden has already issued a warning to Iran and Hezbolla to stay out of this. If the latter do get involved in a significant way then the US has to back up that warning. Likely, it will be a carrier group providing air and missile support rather than ground troops.

Agree on the funding. The only outside country with any political heft in this conflict is the US.
Obama also said they would intervene if Syria used chemical weapons, they did and the he didn't

The US does not want to get caught up in the quagmire of the Middle East in fact they have increasingly tried to get out of it hence the trouble we are in now, giving either side in this a clear run is not a good idea, and I blame US negligence in not bring Israel to heel especially when it was clear that certain elements on the far right were provoking the situation
Isreal has gone to a war footing and now has a 5 man war cabinet covering all major parties in the Kineset.
Why? Hamas's butchery has given Isreal a free pass.
It should also be noted that Isreal does publish and broadcast where they are going to hit Hamas. Not that that will help when the generators run out if fuel.
Like the Ones they did yesterday and the buildings next door were hit killing Dozens.
There's a lot of fake news doing the rounds. to the extent that people are faking BBC videos quoting Bellingcat, both have said its a total fabrication.

the fake report was that Ukrainian weapons had been used in Isreal's attack.
It is a good job we have the usual geopolitical experts in who can't spell Israel lecturing people.
Like the Ones they did yesterday and the buildings next door were hit killing Dozens.
The strikes were published and broadcast ahead of time. Hamas will do fuck all about it though.
They really don't give a fuck about their own. The more of their own that get martyred the better in their heads.

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