Middle East Conflict

Unfortunately Hamas gave Netanyahu the green light to do what the fuck he wants by carrying out this mass slaughter. Prior to this Netanyahu was rightly getting plenty of criticism, and not just from Israel’s enemies. There’s no doubt Netanyahu set the scene for this by his politicisation of the security forces, his attempts to turn Israel from a democracy to an autocracy and by allowing the ultra religious far right settler movement to dominate Israeli politics, but Hamas has now given him a free pass by murdering 1200 Israelis. When the dust settles Israel needs to get rid of him and get back on the road to democracy and get someone in charge with enough respect, vision and authority to make some difficult decisions. I’m not hopeful that will be any time soon.
Not really it's only up to a point, do you think the free pass would still hold if reports of mass starvation and 100,000s of deaths ? They are being allowed to vent their spleens there may be a limited ground offensive but I highly doubt Israel wants to get involved in an urban warfare situation, more importantly the US won't just stand aside and allow it to happen, the simple geo politics of it all matters

Can you imagine the fire it could light in the middle east? Remember fires in the Middle East tend to mean we all get burnt
Not really it's only up to a point, do you think the free pass would still hold if reports of mass starvation and 100,000s of deaths ? They are being allowed to vent their spleens there may be a limited ground offensive but I highly doubt Israel wants to get involved in an urban warfare situation, more importantly the US won't just stand aside and allow it to happen, the simple geo politics of it all matters

Can you imagine the fire it could light in the middle east? Remember fires in the Middle East tend to mean we all get burnt
Agree there are limits to his free pass but we’re quite a long way from reaching those limits right now.
Yes but they hit the wrong buildings, This is where we go back to the IDF'S "Damage and not Accuracy" statement.
If Hamas hadn't launched the barbaric attack onto Isreal then there wouldn't be a problem would there?
Aparantly only Isreal has to follow rules in a war. And make no mistake this is now a war. At the end if it, Hamas will cease to exist as a military threat to Isreal. Sorry to offend your sensitivities, but that's the way it is.
Which is exactly what I was saying in my first posts on the subject whilst Hamas were still executing families in the shelters.

Whoever the brain is behind these attacks is a complete and utter twunt. Yeah great he killed several hundred Jews in Israel, an attack such as this was always going to see a retaliation cost tenfold that number in innocent civilian Palestinian deaths in the coming weeks and months. That’s why I and so many others said it was all so bloody sad in the first place.

Nobody wins other than the extremist leaderships on both sides who justify their reasons for being.
Spot on. Hamas achieved fuck all militarily from their actions, but knew that the Palestinian people would reap the inevitable consequences. It proves Hamas couldn't give a fuck about the people of Palestine.
Hamas have a documented and readily admitted policy of using human shields.

They tell citizens to ignore warnings to leave saying it’s Israeli propaganda and should be ignored.

Ordinary Palestinian lives to these thugs are nothing but political capital.
Not really it's only up to a point, do you think the free pass would still hold if reports of mass starvation and 100,000s of deaths ? They are being allowed to vent their spleens there may be a limited ground offensive but I highly doubt Israel wants to get involved in an urban warfare situation, more importantly the US won't just stand aside and allow it to happen, the simple geo politics of it all matters

Can you imagine the fire it could light in the middle east? Remember fires in the Middle East tend to mean we all get burnt

I read, on the BBC iirc, that the IDF reckon the US will let them have two weeks before they have to scale back. Hard to imagine what they can really achieve in two weeks other than utter destruction.
If Hamas hadn't launched the barbaric attack onto Isreal then there wouldn't be a problem would there?
Aparantly only Isreal has to follow rules in a war. And make no mistake this is now a war. At the end if it, Hamas will cease to exist as a military threat to Isreal. Sorry to offend your sensitivities, but that's the way it is.

Do you really believe that?. You've hundreds of thousands of kids watching their families and friends get murdered. You're kidding yourself if you don't think they'll step into their shoes. The cycle will keep going unfortunately.
Do you really believe that?. You've hundreds of thousands of kids watching their families and friends get murdered. You're kidding yourself if you don't think they'll step into their shoes. The cycle will keep going unfortunately.
Sadly that's the way of it in the Middle East.
No way out of it. If there was there would be peace now.

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