Middle East Conflict

I wouldn’t agree with that, Egypt are trying to get agreement to allow humanitarian aid in via the Rafah crossing but can’t at the mo and they’ve closed it the last couple of days due to the air strikes.

On the wider point though that’s because Israel have agreement over what is allowed through that second border too, any goods via either route still requires Israel’s approval (and again for infrastructure would have subsequent approval again too). Previously no goods at all were allowed via that route, it was just a people crossing.

They also can block people too, which is why any that leave Gaza via that route seeking refugee status don’t have a right to return.
Thanks for the info.
I was not aware of this.
I just thought every sovereign country would decide how they use their borders.
Gaza is looking more and more like Grozny as the bombardments continue.
Soon, Hamas may find itself with no tunnels to manoeuvre.
Food water and electricity should clearly be allowed into Gaza. You can't starve an entire population in an act of revenge no matter how agreived you are.

The bombing looks scarily indiscriminate aswell but there appears to be no independent ratification of what targets are genuine. Go after the Hamas terrorists by all means but it has to be done within the rules of the Geneva Convention surely??

Iran are behind this Hamas uprising according to an American General on Radio 4 on pm tonight.
Israel have been bombing and killing indiscriminately for decades without criticism or censure from the Western governments and media.
It's much the same for any atrocity the West sees as being in it's strategic interest regardless of who commits it.
The backing of the Saudis in their one sided rampage in Yemen is another case in point.
Our governments may go round the world lecturing others on the moral high ground and of our love of morals, values and international law but under the surface the injustices inflicted in our names on poor nations and countries around the world are shameful and show that when it comes to international affairs we are as barbaric as any country in the world.
That deal provided for a two-state solution. The whole of Gaza was ceded to Arafat and 94% of the West Bank plus East Jerusalem as capital. This was the deal rejected by Arafat in 2000. A quick google search would confirm this.
Given the current bloodshed, that deal is a whole lot better.
The Palestinians clearly didn’t believe this deal was acceptable. Both sides, one or the other, or neither might now wish they had taken the deal.

Losing 1,200 Israelis RIP, is sickening and a huge price is being paid by both sides. There are no winners in my book.
are UK based Irish people to be banned from waving the Irish flag?
I’m trying very hard to stay out of this. Believe me, I bite my lip ( metaphorically speaking) at what I see as, the irony of some of the views expressed. Views I agree with as much as those I don’t.
But I doubt at times that the contributors would attribute the same rationale to our own recent and not so recent history, if they were even aware of it.
False alarm apparantly. Detection systems sounded alerts but no actual intrusion.
Or just more chaff thrown out in the knowledge that the Western media will lap up any old shit.
If it hadn't have been debunked sooner 'murdering paragliders' would defo been a front page going to print tonight.
Thanks for the info.
I was not aware of this.
I just thought every sovereign country would decide how they use their borders.

It’s a pretty complex situation (as all of it is!). Egypt could open their borders and allow them all out if they chose to (which they’re not going to do and the Gazans wouldn’t really want to do either), they can’t allow things in though without agreements being in place.

Israel have backtracked from the position of telling them all to leave Gaza though as they know there’s nowhere for them to go. Well, the army has at least, Netanyahu hasn’t. Given he said for them to leave as they will act forcefully everywhere, it’s him saying that, the air strikes already plus the blockade that’s making people very concerned for civilians in Gaza. The leadership in both countries have failed and the consequences we’ve already seen and will see are going to be horrific.
Im finding it increasingly difficult to understand the behaviour of male adult humans. We are a fukin strange breed. We are our own worse enemy and will eventually destroy ourselves and everyone else with our own selfish stupidity. Absolute state of the world? Can I please get off because this is a fukin shit show run by imbeciles.
That deal provided for a two-state solution. The whole of Gaza was ceded to Arafat and 94% of the West Bank plus East Jerusalem as capital. This was the deal rejected by Arafat in 2000. A quick google search would confirm this.
Given the current bloodshed, that deal is a whole lot better.
I had forgotten that Yitzhak Rabin was murdered by Israeli Jews for trying to agree the Oslo accords. People who contributed to the hatred towards Rabin included Netanyahu and Israel’s defence minister.
I’m trying very hard to stay out of this. Believe me, I bite my lip ( metaphorically speaking) at what I see as, the irony of some of the views expressed. Views I agree with as much as those I don’t.
But I doubt at times that the contributors would attribute the same rationale to our own recent and not so recent history, if they were even aware of it.

I was listening to 5Live earlier and they had John Lyndon on taking questions ( Alliance for Middle East Peace ) who was providing background to listeners questions. One question was about the historical UK involvement in all this ad he related all about the Balfour Declaration but he prefaced his remarks by saying

" I am going to have to be careful about this as criticism of British Colonial History from someone like me with an Irish accent can often provoke a reaction "

Yep its still that bad out there

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