Hardly spot on when he makes up stories about children being kidnapped.
Then he complains about discussions about history when it’s Israel’s biggest detractors that tend to start these discussions in an attempt to delegitimise Israel’s existence.
Cant you see that your last sentence is a blanketed attempt to drag people into such discussions in the first place?
I think you are being paranoid. No one in this thread has so far attempted to delegetimise Israel’s existence. More of holding its PM and whoever around his circle accountable and delegtimise their methods. Everyone in the thread was commenting on the atrocities of children being shot at, yet the thread has gone pedantic with discussion along the lines of ‘yes its wrong to shoot at children, but....’. Cant fault them for responding to this as people are so incensed that some would deprioritise the issue of sniping children to talk about issues that no one other than executive members of both parties thousand miles from us are privy to.
Cannot people just go ‘yes its wrong to shoot at children, what were they thinking?’.
Now, on to the discussion at hand. Treatment of children.
Since 2000, at least 8000 children have been detained a majority of which spirited away without their parents being informed. The amendment stipulates that parents must be immediately informed upon detaining but with the loopholes in the amendment these are largely not practised. It can be argued that kidnapping and detaining without informing the parents is not the same, but these are all just semantics. As a parent I consider both the same and the trauma to be the same.
Also, the amendment states that the children are right to an attorney, however the catch is the child must himself state which particular attorney to contact. Thus, making this clause useless.
An 8 month old baby died 3 days ago as one of the Palestinians who died. If you had the chance to meet the mother while she held the baby in her arms, would you express your sympathy but also backhanded it with a “but....you know...cant fault them...you got your comeuppance” ?