Middle East Conflict

There are many parallels to the 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam, where the North Vietnamese/Viet Cong launched a surprise attack on urban centres during the Chinese New Year holiday.

The offensive caused a large number of casualties, particularly on the ARVN/VC side but was eventually beaten by overwhelming US firepower. However the subsequent fallout involving the escalation of the war by the USA, involving the draft to increase numbers on the ground, led to not just diminishing support for the war in the US but outright hostility. The Pentagon Papers' leak the following year also helped expose the chicanery of US strategy in Vietnam.

Edit: I've changed my original 'Borth Vietnamese' to 'North 'Vietnamese' to avoid upsetting the Welsh branch of the Vietcong.
Hmmm, I think it was more of a security cock up, many soldiers who would normally be stationed there had been redeployed to the West Bank, to protect and clean up after the settlers, Bibi thought he had sorted out the Hamas issue, he was going to work his magic on the West Bank Hamas took advantage

On the other hand their tactics were very advanced and well thought out, which is not normal for them hence the suspicion that they must have had outside help
She's not mentioned any of the Palestinians suffering and is totally behind Israel 100%...The replys on her Twitter feed are literally thousands of repost of that speech and calling her out.
Just one of the infinite examples of hypocrisy and double standards by western politicians and media on this subject.
Just one of the infinite examples of hypocrisy and double standards by western politicians and media on this subject.

I missed the part where Ukraine entered Russia killed shit loads of people, they didn't did they? hence they received sympathy from the west because they didn't cause the invasion.

Hamas invaded Israel and slaughtered shit loads of civilians, the response was obviously different.
Very good read.

This may be one of the best takes I’ve seen written since Saturday’s travesty. Everybody needs to read this:

Whilst a good read it is not completely accurate in its implications. I tend not to get involved but sometimes things need to be said.

The Jewish population in Israel was rising well before the end of World War II, some 30%, it's a significant number, far exceeding the total number of Jews currently living in the UK, in a fraction of the land mass. So this idea that Jews were not there in significant numbers until the decision was made to create a Jewish state post holocaust is nonsense.

The irony here is many people talk about opression and apartheid when it comes to Israel when the facts are that the 100,000s of Jews that were there before 1949 were persecuted in surrrounding countries: Lebanon, Morocco, Iraq, Iran and Yemen to name a few. That was true apartheid and oppression where those Jews were forced to convert, especially the women, forced and raped into muslim marriages. Nobody brings this up. So like many of their ancestors they returned to the land we now call Israel, fed up of constantly being persecuted in places they tried to call home. This is completely orthogonal to the holocaust which simply acted as a catalyst causing the population of Jews to jump from 30% to 80% more rapidly and a formation of a state.

What those Jews came to is virtually a waste land, there was hardly anything there outside of the major cities where many were simply slaves to an Ottoman elite. Most of the rest of the population were extremely poor, incredibly dispersed and lived in what at best could be called shanty towns, there was no infrastructure or attempt to build any significant infrastructure. Of course a home is a home, but let's be clear, most of the land was waste land.

The Arab countries around did not care about the Palestinians who lived there, in fact it was the opposite, they considered them the lowest of the low and have only shown an interest since it became a Jewish state.

Now we get the argument that it is Israel's fault for continuing to build on areas they probably shouldn't. I'm against the settlements near the borders but would it make a difference, no, and the Israelis have had enough constantly trying to create a two state solution against a population that has at their helm a terrorist organisation that has made it clear they won't accept 2 states, they want the total destruction of Israel and are backed by Iran. There is no solution there, a two state is not possible so Israel gets on with their lives.

It is also remarkable that the finger is constantly pointed at Israel. Where is the uproar when Eygpt closes the crossing to Gaza, it is never mentioned but they do it. Besides Saudi Arabia where is all the funding from Arab States? Israel itself probably gives more, gives workers permits and yet has the finger pointed at it.

It is disappointing that at Arsenal there was not a 1 min silence. Anywhere else in the world where we hear of babies having their throats cut in their cots, or 9 year old kids watching their siblings be killed before they are killed, where women are dragged out of their homes and raped, etc etc, anywhere else and there would be no question about a 1 min silence . I've no doubt that such a silence would be marred by protests but sadly those that protest have not bothered (or chose to ignore) to really learn about the history of that land and the people in it.

Israelis cannot be blamed for a decision made by the British in 1949 and even then in my view the British just acted as a catalyst for the inevitable given the population trends. Israelis took a wasteland and worked out how to live there, including in areas such as the Negev dessert where they managed to grow crops, genetically modifying avocados to suite their climate and much more. Yes there is huge disparity between the conditions Israelis live in versus current Palestinians but that does not imply Israel is an oppressor.
Must be a different Jordan to the one that annexed the West Bank in 1950 then, an act that was widely considered illegal by the international community. A bit like the Israeli settlements there are. And a different Egypt to the one whose army occupied Gaza in 1948. A bit like the Israelis occupy the West Bank.
I take your point, but to be fair to modern-day Jordan, they’ve relinquished their claim on the West Bank and have demonstrated zero interest in it. I guess that’s what happens when the PLO attempt multiple times to assassinate their head of state, overthrow their government and get Syria to try and invade.

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