Middle East Conflict

I criticised your post and your twisted thinking, not you (which is probably just as well I didn't because I know what I'd have called you).

I answered a post some pages ago in response to your fellow traveller, the only one who seems to like your post, criticising his narrative that boatloads of armed Jews suddenly turned up out of the blue. I think what most rational, educated people realise is that the situation is very complex and that you can lay the blame at both communities and the cynical colonial powers that took the decisions they did.
The twisted thinking being, in your opinion, that I pointed out that there is a historical chain of events that have led to the events of last Saturday.
The fact that the Gazans have been blockaded, deprived, attacked and "kept on a diet" for at least the last decade and half is what has led to this.
When you drive people to desperation it is desperate acts that they will do.
There are many parallels with the situation in the Warsaw ghetto ( the victims of which I also sympathise with regardless of what you were going to call me but didn't ) which also resulted in an uprising which resulted in a casualty ratio similar to what we are about to witness in Gaza.
I think the Jews of the Warsaw ghetto were absolutely right to fight their oppressors in 1943 just as I think the Palestinians of the Gaza ghetto are right to fight their oppressors in 2023.
Have a read of this and see what you think.

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Likening Jews to Nazis and then likening Palestinians to Jews who suffered the utmost horrors of Nazi liquidation is astonishingly evil thinking.

Some people on this thread just can't hide their visceral hatred for Jews.
Amazing that you've posted this on the same page as someone who's just stated he wants to Nuke Palestine with the almost certain deaths of 2 Million people. Unless yet again like others have on here, You simply missed his post?
Likening Jews to Nazis and then likening Palestinians to Jews who suffered the utmost horrors of Nazi liquidation is astonishingly evil thinking.

Some people on this thread just can't hide their visceral hatred for Jews.
Buts it’s ok to talk about the destruction of Palestine and the slaughter of untold thousands which has been going in for years . Hamas commited mass murder at the weekend but Israel have also been doing it aswell . Both sides are as bad as each other .
I've just been reading a Q&A article with Martin Indyk. His belief is that Hamas intention with the attack was to get Israel to react massively, and then have the conflict escalate. Hezbollah in Lebanon, a West Bank uprising, a revolt in Jerusalem. Hezbollah will be the main one as apparently they have 150,000 rocket's they can launch into Israel, and would mean all out war in the Lebanon.
And behind the scenes Tehran watches
Amazing that you've posted this on the same page as someone who's just stated he wants to Nuke Palestine with the almost certain deaths of 2 Million people. Unless yet again like others have on here, You simply missed his post?

Not to mention the tired old trope of pretending any criticism of the Israeli regime is an attack on all Jews.

Many of them will scream anti-Semitism at every turn but will either stick their fingers in their ears or openly ridicule you the second you do something like, say, point out the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes of black people in modern society.

I've been watching them do it for years. Same people every time. Their sensitivity goes in one direction.
When you strip away the politicians and terrorists, peaceful people on both sides are the ones who are losing family members, safety, security, resources, and the love of life. Under such circumstances, peaceful people will often blame others, and will support action taken against others, but this is a longstanding and deeply traumatic situation. The actions of Hamas are worthy of condemnation and outrage. The context cannot be ignored, and, thankfully, many are now, at least out of the mainstream, considering the plight of the people. It is a shame that any support for the people of Palestine is often labelled anti-Semitic, in an attempt to close down the debate. Equally, support for the people of Israel is often labelled as ignoring the plight of people in Gaza. You can condemn the act of terrorists while being aware of the wider issues.

Not to mention the tired old trope of pretending any criticism of the Israeli regime is an attack on all Jews.

Many of them will scream anti-Semitism at every turn but will either stick their fingers in their ears or openly ridicule you the second you do something like, say, point out the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes of black people in modern society.

I've been watching them do it for years. Same people every time. Their sensitivity goes in one direction.
I think several posters like PB (top guy) have made valid points about the history of the conflict. That includes Arab nations scoring more own goals than Richard Dunne in losing Palestinian land in wars with Israel. It’s wrong to compare Israel with the Nazis.

What I object to is the double standards of a minority of posters who, for example, tell us that all the hatred is from the Palestinians but turn a blind eye to people trying to flee Gaza (on Netanyahu’s instructions)) getting bombed by the IDF. Everyone has their opinions of course but when these zealots turn full Goody Proctor and scream racism when anybody doesn’t completely agree with them, that’s a bit low.

We had a family friend who had been a US Marine and then fought with the Irgun. I can’t never remember him ranting on about hatred of Arabs. I think he saw himself as doing a soldier’s job. Maybe the generations that came after the wars do more of the hate talk.

There’s been comments about the rise of scummy anti-semitisim. As I have said before, I think we live in a very reasonable and tolerant country (in the main). I remember a few years back an item on the national news about thugs making racist slurs about Jewish kids on a bus. That’s the national news. That’s hardly hardly a society turning a blind eye to anti-semitism.
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