Middle East Conflict

Honestly anyone who thinks they know exactly who hit the hospital can probably be written off as one eyed and partisan.

It’s not certain either way, and it likely won’t be for some time.

I’ve said before I’m 75/25 in favour of Islamists doing it, but I’d feel foolish thinking I knew for certain based on the tiny amount of evidence released so far.
It seems so.
Why though? GeoConfirmed are highly respected as being factual and base their investigations on the information that is provided, not on political alignments. They are neither Israeli nor Palestinian biased, just as their analysis on the Ukraine/Russian invasion is based on facts, not politics. They don't choose sides, just purport the facts from the information provided.

Their view is that, given the evidence of the many video footages provided, that the rocket/missile coudl only have been fired from within Gaza and the warhead landed unintentionally on the car park.

What is Forensic Architechtures angle?
You used a lot of names there, but missed the only 2 that matter, it has been going on for thousands of years, books that were meant for survival and education have been butchered and used to justify atrocities, it will not end until religion is erased from the planet.
Then we'll find another handy reason to kill each other.

There is additional feedback from GeoComfirmed.

The rocket failing the way it did seems to have resulted in a direction change mid flight. It explains the other forensic analysis about directional damage.
Whatever the cabal have picked up that conforms with their particular view I presume.

Well given I posted geoconfirmed’s analysis first on here too that corroborated Israel’s position, I’d argue anyone posting that (or liking it) is probably projecting that behaviour you’re accusing others of themselves…;)

Not everyone has a particular view, I’d argue anyone rational wouldn’t given there’s been no direct independent investigation.

To reiterate again, I said I hope Biden is correct in his analysis as if he’s backed the IDFs version of events and they turn out to be false, then that isn’t good for anyone.
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There is additional feedback from GeoComfirmed.

The rocket failing the way it did resulted in a direction change mid flight. It explains the other forensic analysis about directional damage.

i.e. it was never intended to hit the hospital
i.e. it was never intended to hit the hospital

Yep, clear as day who ever fires this missile it didn’t go to plan and didn’t land where it was aimed.

GeoConfirmed also suggesting no interception as iron some explodes to kill missiles and there was no explosion as the rocket failed ( there was after )

Maybe iron beam if there was an interception.

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