Middle East Conflict

Here's some solutions, mostly from the Israeli viewpoint I think, it would be interesting seeing solutions from a Palestinian viewpoint. I think the only definite is that Hamas have to go.

1: Hamas meet the IDF on the battlefield well away from 'innocent' citizens of either side.
2: Hamas surrender and are brought to court to face the consequences for their actions.
3: The 'innocent' Palestinian people rise up and overthrow Hamas. Yes it's hard, yes thousands will die but doing nothing means that thousands of 'innocent' Jews will die because the 'innocent' Palestinians are seemingly doing nothing but being 'innocent'.
4: The UN should get off their fat backsides, forget their fat pensions, stick their good words up their arses and actually DO something.
5: Israel destroys Hamas themselves. Hamas apparently are in tunnels, schools, hospitals, etc and hiding behind their own children. The necessary fighting from building to building (if ground forces go in) will be very dangerous. The Israelis have decided that to preserve as many Israeli soldiers lives as possible that they will bomb as many known Hamas hideouts as possible. This is the crux of war, how many 'innocent' Palestinian lives are worth an 'innocent' Israeli life? Should you destroy an entire army of say 10,000 men plus multiple civilian deaths to save 4 men of your own?
6: Ceasefire now and then negotiate. Very unlikely.
7: One state solution. Don't make me laugh.
8: One side is given land in another part of the world and leaves the area forever? Very unlikely.
9: The rest of the world insist that both sides go back to the original border agreement.
Number three is a disgrace , give your head a wobble
I fear that Israel are about to discover what the Americans and the British discovered in Afghanistan; that a ground war against a guerilla terrorist organisation with no functioning state government is basically unwinnable.

The tragedy is there just isn’t an answer.

Israel need to do something - and I support them. But rolling into Gaza and blowing shit up will only get you so far, for so long.
If it’s not ‘News’ though, it’s propaganda, not a narrative.

Why should a news program have to create a narrative to run with.

That goes for all stations, not just Sky. One thing about modern media which I really hate, is disinformation being spread so easily and quickly and people choosing which narrative they listen to and calling it news.

People believe what they want to believe and look for affirmation and justification for their views rather than really questioning the world.

It’s been around since the dawn of the newspaper age mate.

You pick your poison.
We should expect IDF being aware of every single aspect and maybe a bit more, don't we? They are aware that the world is watching closely, too. IDF is also well known not to rush troops in like Putin does, quite the opposite.

I guess IDF would try to find and destroy huge parts of the tunnel system and they need to have a clear idea how to do that with minimal own and civilian losses. Netanjahu and IDF are under extreme pressure after heavy criticism and can't afford another disaster. They won't be unprepared for such a difficult mission that is key to their national security after their 7 October nightmare.

We won't have a winner on either side, that much is clear. As we said, they should talk instead, but extremists won't talk.
I agree with much of what you say. Regarding the tunnels reference the IDF first finding them and then destroying them it's a massive task considering the size of the system which from what I can gather is vast and fighting through them would be a nightmare they are easily defended. I'd fully expect the IDF to take high casualties irrespective of trying to minimise losses. Just to give you an example. I was an infantryman and the first time I did a house clearance after learning the theory of it we then put it into practice. We went to a house, we were a ten man section, front door gets kicked in and a practice grenade goes in, bang, entry team enter shooting and clearing rooms ground floor to bedrooms. Easy. We went to another house and did the same thing. Door goes in after much more kicking and I chuck a grenade in which comes bouncing out again because there was an upright mattress just inside, there was concertina barbed wire nailed to the floor and up the stairs. We couldn't get through the door for ages and once inside the defenders upstairs dropped grenades through the floor which they'd sandbagged to stop us shooting through the ceiling at them. My point is you'll rarely encounter the same scenario. I've done tunnels running under houses which was worse still.

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