I think the International arms business has a lot to answer for.You can find extreme opinions from both sides if you care to look, and people posting them implying that it’s the majority opinion are a bit out of order
Does Tommy Robinson represent the opinions of the ordinary white British people?
It’s a very complex situation, Israelis (for very good reason) are very insecure people, Israel is the answer to thousands of years of persecution, the vast majority were born there to parents who were born there, in fact Israelis Jewish culture is quite distinct from much of the diaspora, in my experience some insecure people say some pretty violent and aggressive things, hurt people hurt people as they say
They are hurting the Palestinians are hurting, how can we as a world end the hurting? By encouraging more violence? By turning a blind eye? None of that had worked before I think it’s time we tried something different
I often wonder if the private American obsession with having guns is also true of the State as a whole.