Mike Dean death threats.

Death threats against officials are clearly unacceptable, disgusting and indefensible.

However as Mike Dean and Lee Mason were both officiating in games where they both came to the same wrong decisions, clearly suggests that PiGMOL and Riley are in charge of a bunch of incompretent officials.............................or possibly responsible for more sinister acts ?

Surely PiGMOL is the authority which should be under investigation and not just its paid lackies .
Death threats are obviously out of order, but I did say yesterday he should be put out to pasture once that red card for Soucek fit rescinded, a scandalous decision. Plus that **** Mason as well.

What is the point of var if Dean goes over and watches it about 20 fucking times and then chooses to send him off, it was fucking nonsense.
I think Mason is 10 times worse than Dean. BTW sorry if you backed the Chiefs last night with your beer money
its totally wrong with death threats he is getting. BUT when you take orders from up above your setting yourself up and not the BOSSES. mike riley is the biggest cheat in football and being head of the PGMOL he orders the results being asked by the both scum teams

you only need to watch the 9.0 at united to see what's going on with the officials and VAR
what we have now is mistakes being made by the VAR team ? when it was brought in for clear and obvious mistakes made on the field by the officials ? what is the point if VAR are making big mistakes that can cost managers and players big time

its enough stop VAR right now and review the system in the summer (clear and obvious) should be that only
not cm lines so you can cross a goal off for offside ?? if its not clear and obvious then fucking leave it alone

also diving in the box is a bigger issue with VAR and slow motion replays are wrong and killing the game
just look at mo salah yesterday sorry that is just about the worst bit of un-sportsmanship i have ever seen
cheating has to be stopped and looked at and punished with big bans

so do i feel for mike dean ? a little bit yes but the bigger picture is the system and PGMOL and mile riley
also them super 10 clubs all signing letters and moaning about manchester city ? remember what side of the line you crossed
It does seem a little ‘convenient’ that the threats have come after he’s had two reds rescinded in less than a week. It’s as if Pigmol are ordering him to have a break until the heat dies down.
I mean, the man has been a cheating, lying cnut for as long as I can remember, but it’s only now he gets death threats? Anyone in the public eye who is seen as controversial probably receives death threats on a regular basis: politicians, legal practitioners (imagine prosecution lawyers who have successfully sent some high profile villain to a life behind bars?), policemen, and pretty much any celebrity who voices controversial views regularly. There will always be some deranged social misfit somewhere or other who feels sufficiently offended by their words and deeds to send death threats to them.

Nah, I think Pigmol are carrying out an exercise in damage limitation.
This is the bad side of the internet. Invisible people doing idiotic things. Nobody loves football more than me but threatening to kill someone because he made a poor (in your estimation) decision is horrendous. They need catching and putting in prison. Theres to much of this sort of thing going on.

Why, because it means more?
It does seem a little ‘convenient’ that the threats have come after he’s had two reds rescinded in less than a week. It’s as if Pigmol are ordering him to have a break until the heat dies down.
I mean, the man has been a cheating, lying cnut for as long as I can remember, but it’s only now he gets death threats? Anyone in the public eye who is seen as controversial probably receives death threats on a regular basis: politicians, legal practitioners (imagine prosecution lawyers who have successfully sent some high profile villain to a life behind bars?), policemen, and pretty much any celebrity who voices controversial views regularly. There will always be some deranged social misfit somewhere or other who feels sufficiently offended by their words and deeds to send death threats to them.

Nah, I think Pigmol are carrying out an exercise in damage limitation.
Maybe it was his Far Eastern Betting syndicate handlers sending him a warning not to f*ck up again???

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