Mike Dean death threats.

The widespread abuse of referees throughout the game is the main reason why we have such a terrible standard of refereeing. It's one thing to be a Premier League, but who's going to volunteer to receive this sort of abuse in Sunday league or kids' football? And the fewer people do it, the fewer they have to choose from in the professional game.

Volunteer? They are charging a minimum of £25 a game.
Riley can't officiate with death threats looming over his head. He should be removed off the Rosta/PGMOL until all lengthy poh-leece investigations are complete.
Not sure if there is some hype to all of this.
Abuse and death threats are a sad reality of the internet social media platforms these days.

The thing with death threats is, are they are credible threats?
I know it only takes one idiot to actually do something, but most threats are just hot air.

In this situation, yes he has received abuse. And he has every right to call it out.
But he is reffing a mid week match, then taking some overdue leave.
Much like some teams are suspected of using racist abuse on players to deflect from poor performances.
Maybe the same is happening here?

Online abuse and racism are a result of having direct access to somebody from a remote location.
Everything said, or action these days is going to offend somebody.
It only takes a few seconds on a keyboard to send abuse. Insults and racism are ways that the individual tries to upset you. This is more a reflection of their own needs or issues.
If you cannot take abuse, don't go on platforms that give people access to you.

I've probably been abused on here after posting an opinion. I'm not even remotely topical, but that hasn't stopped the odd pile on. The reason i say probably, is because i rarely look back at responses to my posts. I'm just not interested on seeing what affect my post has had. Occasionally i will accidently see somebody's response.
Reasonable responses will always get a reply from me if i see them. But those people just looking for an argument don't ever get a response.
Ultimately, none of you exist in my life really. If i wanted to, i just wouldn't log in and bingo you all disappear! ;)
While Dean is a disgrace,this sort of behaviour/reaction is pathetic.

Society/social media has unfortunately given a platform to these keyboard warrior no mark cunts.
Arrr, fuck it.
I’m going to say what everyone else should be saying.
With VAR there should be no fuck ups, just plain and simple black and white decisions. If they can’t come to the correct decision with the tec at their fingertips, then it has to be collusion.
So fuck’em all and hang the bastards out to dry!
Obviously, threatening officials is terrible behavior and should not be tolerated.

However, I can understand club and fan frustration (the frustration part, not the threatening part) with the current state of officiating. Officials are not accountable for their decisions.

John Stones sat on the bench for a year and a half because his form was not adequate. If any of out players perform poorly, have a bad attitude, miss practice or any other items among a host of transgressions, the manager can drop them. The club can sell them. Look at Mesut Ozil. He went from Arsenal to Fenerbahce.

The officiating crews hired to adjudicate football matches in the Premiership, and to a lesser extent lower divisions, are presiding over outcomes that have millions (billions) of £s of consequences. If a team are relegated or miss a UCL spot etc, that has material financial implications for the club, it players and its personnel. Not to mention the fans and local businesses once fans come back.

Officials need to be held accountable. Pep has to answer all sorts of questions and be subjected to every manner of journalism under the sun. If City lose, people will talk about giving him the sack. He is accountable, not inly to the fans and the media (LOL) but most importantly to City’s board and ownership.

When was the last time PGMOL sacked an official for poor officiating? When was the last time they even reprimanded one for poor performance?

Incidentally, if PGMOL did these things people probably wouldn’t “threaten” officials because they would no longer feel like officials are accountable to know one. Obviously crazies are gonna act crazy.

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