Mike Dean


Well-Known Member
7 Feb 2012
I can´t for the life of me understand how he booked Gareth and let the adulterer of the hook.
after our first goal he try everything to bring the rags back on the game..
Thought he had a good game overall, but Rooney's two footed tackle only got a yellow, as did Welbeck's!! Tevez yellow was an absolute joke, but I'll take it, especially considering I expected about SEVEN minutes of injury time after the all the subs and nonsense in injury time!

Lot of yellows to stop it from boiling over, IMHO.
How giggs didnt get a booking is beyond me. Also stan fucking laurel the shitbag trying to get aguero to react...prick. He should have got booked. Lastly, granyshagger...already booked, commits a foul that is correctly awarded against him and jumps and stomps and then unleashes a torrent of fucking this and wanker that. Hoe many times does will the spud headed goon get away with it?

On the whole though i thpught he reffed it ok.
Poor game from him but usual for refs to bottle it here. Can't believe we got 5 yellows to thier 3. Rooney should have gone and they seemed to get away with diving and fouling without action until the last few minutes. Letter of the law is definatly different for them
he was well wrong about that tevez one, some things he did go are way tbf but yaeh he is a bit weird. you could see it on the replay for the tevez yellow he didnt even look at tevez he was just watching jones fucking theatrics lol


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