Milner [Merged]

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Villan said:
So where are all the doubters? Not that long ago you were bigging up the rest of your squad as better than Milner. Just proves one shit performance from your lot and a good solid performance from Milner and the love fest begins.

Would rather us keep him but if you're throwing silly money round and a player who less than two seasons ago were bigging up as the next best thing we'd be silly not to accept. If what we hear is true his price might have gone up too! Luckily money doesn't matter to your Sheikh.

Slightly off topic but does it not worry you that one of your best performers last season is also off? Bellamy was excellent last season and it seems all this money spent just keeps upsetting the balance of your team. You missed Bellamy yesterday and it won't be long until your search for a new manager begins. Why was Zabaleta brought on instead of a left footed Lescott? I was under the impression that he has played LB a bit before too. Has another big buy for your club been cast aside?

We drew away to a top 4 side, you beat a poor west ham.

It's a bit early to get cocky don't you think?
Villan said:
So where are all the doubters? Not that long ago you were bigging up the rest of your squad as better than Milner. Just proves one shit performance from your lot and a good solid performance from Milner and the love fest begins.

Would rather us keep him but if you're throwing silly money round and a player who less than two seasons ago were bigging up as the next best thing we'd be silly not to accept. If what we hear is true his price might have gone up too! Luckily money doesn't matter to your Sheikh.

Slightly off topic but does it not worry you that one of your best performers last season is also off? Bellamy was excellent last season and it seems all this money spent just keeps upsetting the balance of your team. You missed Bellamy yesterday and it won't be long until your search for a new manager begins. Why was Zabaleta brought on instead of a left footed Lescott? I was under the impression that he has played LB a bit before too. Has another big buy for your club been cast aside?

We drew away to a top 4 side, you beat a poor west ham.

It's a bit early to get cocky don't you think?
Villan said:
So where are all the doubters? Not that long ago you were bigging up the rest of your squad as better than Milner. Just proves one shit performance from your lot and a good solid performance from Milner and the love fest begins.

Would rather us keep him but if you're throwing silly money round and a player who less than two seasons ago were bigging up as the next best thing we'd be silly not to accept. If what we hear is true his price might have gone up too! Luckily money doesn't matter to your Sheikh.

Slightly off topic but does it not worry you that one of your best performers last season is also off? Bellamy was excellent last season and it seems all this money spent just keeps upsetting the balance of your team. You missed Bellamy yesterday and it won't be long until your search for a new manager begins. Why was Zabaleta brought on instead of a left footed Lescott? I was under the impression that he has played LB a bit before too. Has another big buy for your club been cast aside?

Personally I can't wait for Bellamy to leave. Don't get me wrong I was a huge fan of Bellamys but the guy is a fucking wanker and its become crystal clear why he never stays at a club very long. Ever since Mancini was appointed he has spat his dummy out and tried to make life difficult. His performances in the 2nd half of the season were nothing special either. Fuck him! I want players who want to play for the club, not moan about their boyfriend getting sacked. As for Zaba, he was subbed on because Lescott is well behind on match fitness and Zaba is reliable.
Re: Milner Tackles Shoots & Leaves?

Is the title of the clip supposed to be ironic or something? In this instance it should be Milner tackles, shoots and leaves? Or even, for emphasis: Milner tackles, shoots, and leaves?
Don't think i mentioned our performance other than Milners "good solid performance".

Not cocky neither. West ham on that performance are relegation candidates.
Villan said:
Don't think i mentioned our performance other than Milners "good solid performance".

Not cocky neither. West ham on that performance are relegation candidates.

Whats the Villa fans opinion on Ireland? Do you lot want him?
Villan said:
Don't think i mentioned our performance other than Milners "good solid performance".

Not cocky neither. West ham on that performance are relegation candidates.

You should check out Villatalk mate - a complete about face on Milner.

Football fans are so fickle - City & Villa are no exceptions
Villan said:
Don't think i mentioned our performance other than Milners "good solid performance".

Not cocky neither. West ham on that performance are relegation candidates.

OK. I just thought the tone of your post was cocky.

I think if we get him Milner will improve our side. Yes we'll miss Bellamy's performances but he's made his bed and no-one's bigger than the club. At least we can afford to bring in top quality replacements, and I think we have done that. Don't judge us on yesterday's game, it will take us a few weeks to show what we can do.

Lescott has looked a bit shaky pre-season, I don't know what Mancini's plans are for him.
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