Milner [Merged]

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dave_blue12 said:
If Mysteryman is correct City should walk away. Milner is a good player but £30m is taking the piss.

Leave Lerner to sort out his wage bill problems without our help. See how they get on when Gabby gets injured and they have Heskey and Carew up front. lol !

Ha ha, did you not hear the news O'Neill has gone?

We have Delfouneso and Weimann now.
john@staustell said:
FishFoot said:
I wouldn't be happy to lose him for nothing, but it won't get that far.

How much did you pay for De Jong with 6 months left on his deal?

It's not about just beating West Ham. It's about the whole week that we had running upto it. We've not had a good pre-season at all, so to win in the opening game and do it in style sure we're going to be feeling positive. We'd lost our best manager for a while and we've had our best players constantly linked with moves away. Surely you can remember those days?

After 10 games I'm confident we'll still be near the top 6, new manager or not, Milner or not.

Ah the classic DeJong myth. He had actually signed a new deal, but some tabloid insisted on peddling the lie he had only 6 months left - obviously based on outdated info. Of course this was leapt on as gospel by the anti-City brigade and believed by people like yourself, in perpetuity.

Oh deary me, calm yourself down.

I never knew he signed a new deal.

If that's correct, then £17m was a good price on your behalf.

Check my post history here, you won't see a single "anit-City" post.

Thank you.
Mysteryman has been a very reliable ITK on VillaTalk for a long time, so what he is saying should be correct.

Kev Mac could be naming Villas Europa leage squad today.
Should we be doing deals with Randy Lerner after his comments anyway, if no apology is forthcoming? That said, we do need Milner....I can't see any available similar player on the continent right now either.
very reliable? hes on the motorway as we speak? you call that reliable? and if hes so in the know why hes listening to someone else? think i`ll wait for the OS to confirm or deny thanks
lionheart said:
Bugger off. We are never going to pay 30 million. The deal is 18m plus Ireland who is worth 8m, not a penny more. If its a cash only deal, it will be 26m which is still too much in my view. I hope that Stevie stays and we spend the cash in January instead, by which time Lerner will probably accept 20m for Milner.

Villa will not acceot anything less than 30 million if its a straight cash deal 100 percent that is the case . Valuations on what players are worth in a psrt ex deal always get skewed but straight cash its 30 mill . Wait and see if I am wrong or not .
So he is for sale then? In hindsight you should have just given City a flat Not for sale from Day 1 then you might still have a manager - even if he was unpopular with some fans as some Villa have claimed.

However I think the likelihood of a sale is fast diminishing now. The ball game has changed somewhat with MON's resignation. Lerner now has to think about the impact of Milner's departure on his team mates, and on recruiting a manager.
cityman14364 said:
can we get a few things straight he regarding the claims it wont be a straight cash deal....firstly mysteryman.. why do you say this? and dont start with this not enough time to find a replacement crap.youve known before milner flew to the world cup he wanted to go.. so what have u been doing all this time? let me enlighten you.. youve sat on your arse not even looking for a replacement bcoz u want to screw every penny out of us you can bcoz noone else is going to pay anyhere near what you want, secondly you saying its not for cash isnt viable,your credibility went out of the window with ``hes on the motorway`` crap.. so rather than heresay why not try giving your own opinion.. heres my take on it, hes over priced, the yanks in financial difficulty and wants the cash and make no mistake mysteryman money does talk especially after a world wide recession and hes pumped so much in already.. i feel for milner in all this, we sposed to want him and we`re sat on our hands too.. villa sposed to want him yet agree a price with us..and you made it public as walk away, hes over priced and i dont want to be taken to the cleaners again,happened to many times.theres better out there for the money

MYSTERYMAN is a guy who has a lot of credibility. He is the most reliable ITK. He is like your 'Tolmie'. Everyone gets bad info once in a while.

Also a lot of City fans think our owner or club is in financial crisis. This is just not true. Lerner has always wanted the club to be self sufficient within 5-7 years. The problem is wages have spiralled to over 80% of Turnover. He does not see this as sustainable. It is not a problem as he is a wealthy man but from a business point, where Villa can stand on their own 2 feet, he would like to bring that down to 65-70% (to a figure similar to Spurs).

Selling Milner will not make too much of a difference as he is a first team player with wages of £35-40k. The ones he wants rid of are Sidwell (£50k), Heskey (£62k), Beye (£40k) etc.

I dare say we probably have £25-30m to spend, but why would we want the wage bill to get to 100% of T/O?
Benarbia said:
Dead deal from what I hear which is a shame because I think we really need him

i hope your hearing right.. that sends out a message, you want to put a city tax on a mediocre player? and thats all he is at the end of the day... go looksomewhere else.. but we know and they know,they wont get anywhere near what we offered in the future
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