Milner update.

Pollerz said:
bluesoup said:
Thanks for the update. Did the offer get accepted?

not officially yet but its what villa want, and milner as reported is major pissed with oneil because of his recent comments. This will happen this week.


Yes transfers change and villa are trying to suck us try fee wise. But obviously everybody expect balo to be sown up by now and it hasnt yet like i said transfers arent just done it takes work and you my sad sad little friend are blatently clueless.
Pollerz said:
Blue Phil said:
That could be the case, it still doesn't awnser why the deal hasn't been tied up this week. According to the OP, the offer was made and it was to be tied up this week. This implicated that the bid was accepted and only formalities were left over.

ok now stop been a complete and utter retarded child and read the thread. Its like teaching a gerbil with no arsehole to take a shit seriously!

-- Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:43 pm --

Blue Phil said:
That could be the case, it still doesn't awnser why the deal hasn't been tied up this week. According to the OP, the offer was made and it was to be tied up this week. This implicated that the bid was accepted and only formalities were left over.

Has it by any chance occured to your tiny little brain that the city team have more then 1 offer out on a player... and that the team are trying to wrap up the balloteli deal since inter are in america and will deal with milner once they get home, yes i said i expected it done this week thats because IIIIIIIIII did not the club. and if u learn to fucking read i didnt say anything about offers been accepted. They want 30m we offered 25 get ur head out of ur arse u obviously cant read whilst looking thru all that shit.
Calm down lad. You know your never wrong.
Pollerz, why you being offensive to posters? If you can't hack people doubting you don't post the stuff in the fucking first place.
Blue Phil said:
Pollerz said:
Hahah i love it when ppl throw abuse and havnt actually read the thread... Now take your lazy arse back to the start of the thread and read where somebody asked me if villa had accepted and i said no not yet.. Also premier league managers been untruthfull about transfers??? never happens... btw how much does it cost to sell madrid a virus? oh..
2 things.
1. Could you kindly point out the abuse that i have thrown? For the life of me i can not see it.
2. Now, the thread, this is your original post:

25mill improved bid has been made, deal to be completed in the coming week.
found this out on friday havnt been around since. Pretty sure some ppl are gna give this threat the usual bullshit so if a mod wants to just lock it and let ppl look thats fine.
Now, you have clearly stated that the deal was to be completed this week. It doesn't matter if since this post you have gone back on what you have implied (by saying the bid has not been accepted) because that is irrelivent. If as you have said the deal was to be "completed this week" then it would have been completed now wouldn't it? This is a fact, you were either wrong, or lying. It is quite simple really.

-- Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:46 pm --

Pollerz said:
ok now stop been a complete and utter retarded child and read the thread. Its like teaching a gerbil with no arsehole to take a shit seriously!

-- Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:43 pm --

Has it by any chance occured to your tiny little brain that the city team have more then 1 offer out on a player... and that the team are trying to wrap up the balloteli deal since inter are in america and will deal with milner once they get home, yes i said i expected it done this week thats because IIIIIIIIII did not the club. and if u learn to fucking read i didnt say anything about offers been accepted. They want 30m we offered 25 get ur head out of ur arse u obviously cant read whilst looking thru all that shit.
But you implied it by saying the deal was to be completed this week.
Ladies and gentlemen, do you honestly think that someone in the loop at City would honeslty use this type of language on an Internet forum?

ah lol sorry i didnt realise ppl involved in football use rough language... oh wait you see managers swearing every week.. you are a very sad pathetic individual. Also for your information im NOT in the loop at city a family member of mine is i just get the privalage of knowing things before you do.
Pollerz in "getting angry when somebody questions his prediction" shock

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=10&t=131383&p=2212091&hilit=pollerz#p2212091</a>
ono said:
Pollerz in "getting angry when somebody questions his prediction" shock

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=10&t=131383&p=2212091&hilit=pollerz#p2212091</a>
I don't understand why i am a idiot with a tiny brain? All i have done is provided him with his own quotes and questioned him. I haven't used offensive language and i have only talked in fact.

Nothing more, Nothing less than a...

Any Mod around please remove this thread, i will be removing myself from this forum.

If anybody wishes to know where i will be posting my information or information about blogs or voice blogs u can still pm me i will leave this account active.

Pollerz said:
Any Mod around please remove this thread, i will be removing myself from this forum.

If anybody wishes to know where i will be posting my information or information about blogs or voice blogs u can still pm me i will leave this account active.


You need to chill Winston.

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