Mind blowing farts

When I was 12 I was havig some sort of stomach ailment. Must've been something I ate. Suddenly my stomach was cramping and I was having cold sweats. I could feel pressure building in my stomach. Being stuck in a classroom my fluctuations had to be a clandestine activity.

So I went to the front of the class, it was a group activity so we could move around. So I let out a little gas, all the while controlling my sphincter as to make no sound. I dropped the bomb then moved to the back of the class. 30s later moans and screaming started. A girl even started crying. It was rancid and acidic. My underwear frayed instantly. They blamed a girl called Roxanne Barber. I did too ( Shame)

Phew I got away with it.

5 minutes later I could feel my discomfort and pressure building up again. I tried yo repeat my sneaky move but my execution" failed me. A high pitched squik was heard and the gig was up.

My teacher made go infront of the class and apologize for being a "gas ball". Fucken embarrassment of note!
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