Missouri proceeding with execution despite new DNA evidence

He allegedly confessed to a crack head and an alcoholic whilst in prison. None of the reports I've read mention unreleased evidence.
There is no dna evidence, finger prints, nothing that independently puts him as the murderer.
For reasons only known to the prosecution, they excluded 6 out of 7 black people from sitting on the jury.
Even the prosecution accepted he should not die but everyone was ignored.
It’s for stories like this one that I couldn’t support the death penalty. It’s long gone here in Ireland and has an emotive historical attachment, in most Irish minds.

However, I work in the courts here and the prosecution and the defence both can object without reason to up to seven people from the jury panel as they are called. They can object to as many as they like with reason and it’s up to the judge to uphold or reject the objection.
I don’t know how it works in America but I’d imagine it’s something similar.
Over here names are randomly pulled from the panel a bit like bingo.
So the final makeup of the jury is unpredictable really.
It’s for stories like this one that I couldn’t support the death penalty. It’s long gone here in Ireland and has an emotive historical attachment, in most Irish minds.

However, I work in the courts here and the prosecution and the defence both can object without reason to up to seven people from the jury panel as they are called. They can object to as many as they like with reason and it’s up to the judge to uphold or reject the objection.
I don’t know how it works in America but I’d imagine it’s something similar.
Over here names are randomly pulled from the panel a bit like bingo.
So the final makeup of the jury is unpredictable really.
I know Americas system allows for objections re. jury members. Often they are rejected because of political views, law enforcement officers within their family and of course a certain number can be excluded 'just cos'
When you exclude 7 black people from a jury 'just cos' it makes you look like a sad, bigoted, racist.
Shades of Bob Dylan & Hurricane.....probably a bit of a wrong 'un but maybe not in this case.
Good point, and in regards failing to remove excessive compartmentalization, excessive inconsistency, lack of paperwork clarity disclosure and a strong arming bordering upon rogue overzealous Attorney General ...it also has many shades of how Massachusetts dealt with the whole Sacco & Venzetti case, spanning nigh on 7 years or thereabouts in the 1920s that went down as one of the trials of the century.
Is this, by any chance, one of those roles they have over there that is elected and really shouldn't be?
Has a way of navigating or fixing the likes...

Let's just say he sits on many questionable dinner tables (his own prerogative, granted) n also associates in many circles with many shady characters.
I know Americas system allows for objections re. jury members. Often they are rejected because of political views, law enforcement officers within their family and of course a certain number can be excluded 'just cos'
When you exclude 7 black people from a jury 'just cos' it makes you look like a sad, bigoted, racist.
Not denying that. I don’t know what the makeup of the panel was or how they pick from it.
Just offering context.
It’s for stories like this one that I couldn’t support the death penalty. It’s long gone here in Ireland and has an emotive historical attachment, in most Irish minds.

However, I work in the courts here and the prosecution and the defence both can object without reason to up to seven people from the jury panel as they are called. They can object to as many as they like with reason and it’s up to the judge to uphold or reject the objection.

I don’t know how it works in America but I’d imagine it’s something similar.
Over here names are randomly pulled from the panel a bit like bingo.
So the final makeup of the jury is unpredictable really.
I'd imagine your article 40.1 is similar to The Equal Protection Clause (Batson v. Kentucky, 476 U.S. 79)

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