Pigeonho said:
What I wouldn't do is launch a fire extinguisher off a building, which is what I was on at nashark about. I go off what I have experienced, and that is working with people who openly admit to going to uni just to fuck about. As posted earlier, I work with loads of post grads and not one of them has a career which resembles the 3 years they spent working for their degree. They admit its just a fuck about and then they purposely go for jobs which mean they don't have to pay their loans back. That fucks me off, not through jealousy, because I chose not to go into any form of further education as I wanted to graft, it fucks me off because its as bone-idle and lazy as it gets. I only know 2 people who have actually gone for a degree which means something, and they are guys who got degrees in things to do with science, (don't know what exactly), and they are both down in London earning amazing money, will have long paid off their student debt and are actually doing something worthwhile with their degrees.
i agree about the violence, and people will always abuse any system, it's the unfortunate world we live in, but there are many, many students, who although they may not end up in specifically the subject they studied at uni for a career, do go and get good jobs and pay it back and have benefitted from it.
Wind out the totally meaningless subjects, that don't even have relevance to subjects taught at school, and instead promote apprenticeships into the media and advertising industry etc.
Educational subjects like Maths, Languages, Science etc. should be protected imo, I think people who go to unis to study proper subjects they studied at school(with variations to account for medicine, law etc.) should be allowed to continue as they are doing degrees and costs wise. Like I said I think there needs to be a compromise.