Moss Side

I lived in Rushulme just off Great Western Street and right next door to Moss Side, stadium was a couple of minutes walk and the area always seemed fairly blue to me, far more so than say Didsbury where I also lived for a few years.
Fallowfield Red said:
So Moss side was red and your new home Beswick is unquestionably red. Your definetley moving in the right direction (east) but your still about 5 miles shy of Glossop.

Levenshulme and Gorton are about the only enclaves around town for the red shite, Manchester is BLUE, always has been and always will be.

How about Rome? Do you know where that is? Evidently your players don't lol.
I live in Moss Side. I'd say the not arsed percentage was greater than ever. There's a fair few kids wearing cast off kits from both sides. But basically most people need the money more than the two clubs do now.
Its not about bandwagons, its about being able to drop the best part of 30 quid even to watch bloody Blackburn play at Eastlands.
Moss Side has always been skewed more to blue. They may not go to the match but can quite happily talk about what is going on with the club. For the Jamaican population at least.
i come from the moss and have to say growing up there thru 50's to mid 70's there was a lot of reds there mainly owing to the fact that many of the white population of the moss were of irish parents. we used to call the area around lloyd st. paddytown when i was a kid. in those days not many of the west indians went to football at any grounds for whatever reason. they did prefer their local team but didn't turn up at maine road. would imagine these days it would be full of glory hunting rags who still don't go to o/t either.
I'm a Whalley Ranger (well, obviously). I took my bike for a spin round the Side last Sunday before setting off for the match. Took a look down Maine Road - you could call it a pilgrimage - and saw a few blue shirts on display. Not a red one in sight.

I think we used to get a lot of supporters in that burb from the West Indian community because in the early eighties we had a few first team players who came from that community. Couldn't say whether that is still the case now though.
I'm from Fallowfield and it's a pretty even split over here aswell. Moss Side seems more red to me tbh.
pardoe said:
Moss Side has been largely made up of immigrants (first or second generation) for the best part of fifty years. Even when we played there i'd have only put it at 25% arsed, max, split slightly in our favour. Nowadays i'd say it's probably less, i'd take a wild stab that one in five locals are serious football fans, probably just in the rags favour, not even an issue. I live within a couple of miles of Old Trafford, it's still pretty split. I've got family who live near Eastlands, again, it's neither noticably one way of the other. As i said in a similar thread recently, overall i'd say Manchester's about 45% not interested, 25% Red, 20% Blue, 10% other. These things change, though. Once we start winning things will pick up the bandwaggoners again.

I think that last bit is the key the 45% that aren't interested at a push would mostly say they are reds(my dad and uncle would both fall into that category).
DontLookBackInAnger said:
pardoe said:
Moss Side has been largely made up of immigrants (first or second generation) for the best part of fifty years. Even when we played there i'd have only put it at 25% arsed, max, split slightly in our favour. Nowadays i'd say it's probably less, i'd take a wild stab that one in five locals are serious football fans, probably just in the rags favour, not even an issue. I live within a couple of miles of Old Trafford, it's still pretty split. I've got family who live near Eastlands, again, it's neither noticably one way of the other. As i said in a similar thread recently, overall i'd say Manchester's about 45% not interested, 25% Red, 20% Blue, 10% other. These things change, though. Once we start winning things will pick up the bandwaggoners again.

I think that last bit is the key the 45% that aren't interested at a push would mostly say they are reds(my dad and uncle would both fall into that category).

Yeah I agree, like 'who'd you support' 'oh uhhh, MAN UNITED!'

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