most painful thing thats happended to you?

I was working abroad and was trying to remove some barn floorboards, they were so old and the nails they had used were shite but somehow I couldn't get one of these nails out. So i cut the head of the last nail with a pair of bolt cutters and pulled the board over it. So instead of a nail head it had a jagged serated edge to it.

I didn't think too mcuh of it because i had work boots on, but anyhow, i then turned my attention to one of the railings that seperated sections of the barn as they needed to come out too, so i climbed onto a ledge, took the head of one of the nails in that railing and jumped down. I jumped right down onto the floor board nail, and it went right through my work boot, and about 2 inches into my foot.

I've stepped on a nail before, and fell on one with my knee, but somehow as it wasnt the pointed edge, this one was agony.

I went to the hospital, and they said they'd removed all the crap, gave me a tetnus injection, a pair of crutches and some valium and sent me on my way. about two days later my foot swelled up to the size of a human head and it hurt like hell.

So i went to a non-emergency dr in town and he had a look.

after rooting around in their for what seemed like forever, he took out several small bits of nail and a tiny piece of my sock.
The funniest thing I've ever done was stub my toe on a chair and whilst in a small room, I grabbed my toe hopping and ploughed head first into the closet door. I didn't fall but started holding two parts of my body. Through the pain I did find it funny enough to start laughing though!
I was putting a dumbell back on the steel rack at the gym. basically i'd not put it back on properly and it slipped down from it's rail and landed on the rail below...right on my finger. Tip of my finger was practically hanging off. Didn't hurt so much. Just made me feel really sick. Pussy.

Actually playing football i sprained my ankle and that hurt like fuck. I jumped up to block and shot and landed on the side of my foot. Thought it'd broken my ankle. That was painful.
ono said:
I was putting a dumbell back on the steel rack at the gym. basically i'd not put it back on properly and it slipped down from it's rail and landed on the rail below...right on my finger. Tip of my finger was practically hanging off. Didn't hurt so much. Just made me feel really sick. Pussy.

Actually playing football i sprained my ankle and that hurt like fuck. I jumped up to block and shot and landed on the side of my foot. Thought it'd broken my ankle. That was painful.

Never play football (american) in sandals! I've sprained my ankle twice like that!
Nearly lost my eye, slippin on marble steps and right on the corner, the highlight of the day was gettin a ridde in the front of a turkish amberlance
Predictably - giving birth. However, I was more scared of pain relief than the pain, so I just got on with it.

Actually, one other thing that was almost as painful - kidney stone. Ouch! Took some (legal!)medicinal herbs and waited for nature to take its course.
oh holiday, standing on a screw by the pool? or falling down the stairs and leaving me with stitches in the head and a broken arm, my wanking arm too, devastated i was.

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