most painful thing thats happended to you?

My mysterious stomach infection (after the appendix op) in the Faroes. It was awful. I couldn't breathe properly as my chest hurt so much, I was spewing and sh!tting what looked like pesto pasta, it hurt to drink water. Then I had to go for a CT scan and drink 2 litres of milkshake fluid. It was agony being wheeled to the scanner going over every bump on the corridor, then I had to put a cup on my sack to protect my spermy army, the cannula snagged on the sheet as I did it, started bleeding and then had to shuffle myself onto the scanner...absolute agony.

Later that evening they came to change the cannula because the blood had dried all over it. It took SEVEN attempts to put it in. I was so dehydrated they couldn't find a vein. I had a nurse on one side of me, a doctor on the other stabbing my veins. They put me on morphine later on. Smacked up to my t!ts on it.

For about 4 days I couldn't eat or drink. I was up most nights just sat up trying to sip water by the toilet, knowing that as soon as it hit my stomach, it'd come back up again. They put me on a drip soon after that.

We still don't know what it was, but it was not nice at all. Easily the most painful thing I've been through.
Water infection. Doc said it was the pain women feel in labour but without the 'prize' of a baby.

I was put on morphine, that stuff rules!
stonerblue said:
shooting meself in the finger with 40lb staple gun. OUCH !!

Also, breaking my foot on a pub door. I was fine while pissed but when i sobered up it was very, very painful.
similar thing happened to a lad i worked with.he was climbing on some shelving,when he stepped down his foot pressed the pedal of this upright stapler and stapled his overall sleeve to his arm..cue hospital visit.
I got savaged by our 'pet' staffordshire bull terrier when I was 4.

bit straight through my right hand and i had 22 stitches in my head.
staffs_blue said:
I got savaged by our 'pet' staffordshire bull terrier when I was 4.

bit straight through my right hand and i had 22 stitches in my head.

Was it put to sleep?
buzzer1 said:
staffs_blue said:
I got savaged by our 'pet' staffordshire bull terrier when I was 4.

bit straight through my right hand and i had 22 stitches in my head.

Was it put to sleep?

yes.when the vet tried to put him down he bit straight through the vets knee cap.nasty little fucker he was.
Going in for a tackle at 5-a-side and being in agony on the floor when some dick came up and bounced the ball on my knee

As I found out later, I'd broke my leg (can't remember if it was tibia or fibula now as that long ago), done damage to my cartilage (had 2 ops on this) and damage to the cruciate

So boys n girls, when you see someone on the floor in agony, DON'T bounce a ball on their knee

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