most painful thing thats happended to you?

SambaBoys said:
When I was 16 I feel from the top of my stairs and landed FACE FIRST at the bottom..
I broke my nose in 2 places, my eye socket and my jaw…not to mention having some rather nasty carpet burns down the side of my face.
6 very painful operations to repair the damage…. :(
jeez, them carpet burns are painful :)
It didn't stop you knocking back the Columbian nose candy like it was going out of fashion on Saturday night though,did it?
Or was that another SambaBoys?x[/quote]

Not me my beloved!
Nothing goes up my nose for fear it will end up a great big fat mess lol
How did I know YOU would mention the carpet burns…………
Prestwich_Blue said:
Had a wisdom tooth out but they left a fragment of bone in that went sceptic. That was bad enough but they had to take it out and the local anaethestic was completely useless as my mouth was such a mess. So they had to cut my upper jaw open and get rid of the infected bone fragment without anaethestic.

The pain was so bad I had tears streaming down my face and went into shock afterwards.

When you say the bone went "sceptic",do you mean it stopped believing anything you said?
Or did it go septic?
Prestwich_Blue said:
Had a wisdom tooth out but they left a fragment of bone in that went sceptic. That was bad enough but they had to take it out and the local anaethestic was completely useless as my mouth was such a mess. So they had to cut my upper jaw open and get rid of the infected bone fragment without anaethestic.

The pain was so bad I had tears streaming down my face and went into shock afterwards.
now that sounds bad. you could make a bid for the winner with that.
When I was about 11 I was at a skate park, when going bakc up the halfpipe I slipped off the board (I was 11 before you all judge how crap I was!), so already being at a 90% angle, falling backwards I just landed on my head as it BANGED on the unforgiving ssurface of the H/P. Misery over? Wrong. Because just as I had come back down from the top, so did my board, rolling right between my sprawled out legs, at speed, and crashed into my bollocks.

No serious injury, but fucking painful.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
One truly horrendous experience is trapping one's foreskin in one's zip.
You really do see stars.
And its made worse by the fact that you have to repeat the agony to free the bugger.

Can never fully appreciate the pain of this – however my understanding did increase after watching “Something about Mary”
SambaBoys said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
One truly horrendous experience is trapping one's foreskin in one's zip.
You really do see stars.
And its made worse by the fact that you have to repeat the agony to free the bugger.

Can never fully appreciate the pain of this – however my understanding did increase after watching “Something about Mary”

As did your scrutiny of hair care products...
I had a bike accident when I was 17. a drunk driver pulled out in front of me and I ran into the side of him. I instinctively put my arm out and "Stiff Armed" the car. Twat!! I broke my forearm in 13 places and only one joint is properly connected. My party piece is to pull my hand and it disconnects a bit from the forearm - sick or what?
Gall stones - now that sounds like a little thing that can be easily rectified but the pain was unbearable. Normally i'm not a wuss with pain - 2 tattoos to prove it, but this was unbelieveable. Felt like being stabbed in the chest right through to the spine and lasted for about 7 hours at the same intensity. I started thinking maybe I was a wuss until the doctor said "normally people with gall stones go to A&E for morphine injections cos thats the only pain relief thats works - have you not considered that?". No way!

I think i'm hard now I managed to get through it without needing morphine injections lol.

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