most painful thing thats happended to you?

One truly horrendous experience is trapping one's foreskin in one's zip.
You really do see stars.
And its made worse by the fact that you have to repeat the agony to free the bugger.
i've done that it's extremely painful.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
SambaBoys said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
One truly horrendous experience is trapping one's foreskin in one's zip.
You really do see stars.
And its made worse by the fact that you have to repeat the agony to free the bugger.

Can never fully appreciate the pain of this – however my understanding did increase after watching “Something about Mary”

As did your scrutiny of hair care products...

Correct... thank god i have short hair lol
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Had a wisdom tooth out but they left a fragment of bone in that went sceptic. That was bad enough but they had to take it out and the local anaethestic was completely useless as my mouth was such a mess. So they had to cut my upper jaw open and get rid of the infected bone fragment without anaethestic.

The pain was so bad I had tears streaming down my face and went into shock afterwards.

When you say the bone went "sceptic",do you mean it stopped believing anything you said?
Or did it go septic?
LOL. I love a smartarse!
tommyducks said:
I was walking past the barrier in the car park when it lifted and whacked me in the nose, causing me great pain, considerable blood loss and huge embarrassment.


I can just imagine that happening.
In a freak football injury the nail on my big toe bent right back on itself. That didn't hurt much but when the nurse bent the nail back forward using pliers or something I screamed. The pain was only for a few seconds, maybe not even that long but for intensity of pain I hope I never have to go through anything like that again.
Being thrown off a 16.2 hh horse while jumping. I landed on my coccyx and then fell back and hit my head so hard I wrote off my riding hat. Headaches for weeks!

Two weeks ago I slipped in the shower in a hotel and went backwards out of the bath hitting my head and elbow on the bathroom floor, still got headaches:-(
caught my bollocks on a fence when I was 9, only one way off from there and ripped a hole in my sack, had to bite on a towel at the hospital while they injected by balls to numb them then stitch me up. All bits work fine though :)
I was involved in a car accident a few years ago. Travelling up the M61 on an unlit stretch just before 6AM and then in front of me abandoned in the outside lane with no lights on is a Rover 214. I hit the brakes but had no chance.
The result was a stack of seatbelt injuries. Fractured clavical, fractured sternum and loads of whiplash injuries, the next 6 weeks were pretty painful to say the least
Following this, in the area I lived, when you get to forty the health authority call you in for an MOT.
After the tests I was found to have blood and protein in my urine and had to go to hospital for further tests, which really meant having my bladder inspected. This procedure was done by lubricating the tube inside the penis and having an endoscope (camera) inserted.
Now I must say this really fucking hurt. I'm not a wimp when it comes to pain but I nearly cried. Not only the horrible sensation of the camera inside my dick, but when it was pushed against the entrance to the bladder I was told to cough so the passageway would open. It truly felt like someone was stabbing me with a knitting needle.
IMHO worse than the above was when I had a cataract operation under local anasthetic. To numb the eye I had an injection and the syringe was inserted into my face a couple of centimeters below the eye. Fuck me, now that really did hurt.
I feel like a pussy when comparing mine to some of the previous entries!

When I was eighteen I found a lump on my right testicle, which caused a great deal of panic. The tests later proved it was a hydrocoele, essentially fluid-filled sac attached to the testicle.

So I was extremely fortunate that it was just that, but since it became several inches long and quite uncomfortable, I had to go in for surgery to have it drained and sealed. This entailed the surgeon cutting open my scrotum, draining the hydrocoele and folding it back around the testicle.

Waking up from the surgery to find a bleeding wound and several stitches downstairs counts as one of the more unpleasant experiences of my life. I wish I'd said yes to the offer of morphine. It only took five weeks for the stitches to fall out, though I was walking with a stick for two weeks and initially had to sit on one of those cushions designed for people with piles (i.e. the one with a big hole in the middle).

Whenever friends get their surgery scars out, I have to decline for fear of being arrested.

Also: a colonoscopy is not fun.

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