Most pissed you have been at a game..

Swansea away in May 2013, the week before the awful Wigan cup final. We were comfortably 2nd, United had already won the league and it was a bank holiday weekend. Think we drew 0-0, Mancini's last league game. One of them games where you go just because why not. On a coach from 6am, can't remember what I was drinking. I left the ground after about 15 minutes, my mate has a video of me lay on a grass verge near our coach fast asleep snoring and it's not even half time.

Don't think I was that bad in the ground but Bayern away in 2011 in that Augustiner Keller. I was that pissed I remember crying on the way to the ground, about what I don't know.

Chelsea away in the FA Cup in 2016, there was talk of Pellers playing the kids but once we saw the team me and two others decided to not bother going in the ground (match ticket was about £45), vague memory of celebrating our equaliser in a pub and getting thrown out, was asleep in a pub whilst the game was still going on.

My mate was that pissed at Everton in 2011 that he fell asleep in the toilets and woke up 45 minutes after the game, stadium was completely empty apart from one groundsman who had to come and let him out
Swansea away in May 2013, the week before the awful Wigan cup final. We were comfortably 2nd, United had already won the league and it was a bank holiday weekend. Think we drew 0-0, Mancini's last league game. One of them games where you go just because why not. On a coach from 6am, can't remember what I was drinking. I left the ground after about 15 minutes, my mate has a video of me lay on a grass verge near our coach fast asleep snoring and it's not even half time.

Don't think I was that bad in the ground but Bayern away in 2011 in that Augustiner Keller. I was that pissed I remember crying on the way to the ground, about what I don't know.

Chelsea away in the FA Cup in 2016, there was talk of Pellers playing the kids but once we saw the team me and two others decided to not bother going in the ground (match ticket was about £45), vague memory of celebrating our equaliser in a pub and getting thrown out, was asleep in a pub whilst the game was still going on.

My mate was that pissed at Everton in 2011 that he fell asleep in the toilets and woke up 45 minutes after the game, stadium was completely empty apart from one groundsman who had to come and let him out
Bayern away I was dancing on the tables in some big park and tried to jump over to my mates table. Went flying and nearly broke my ribs
Impossible for me to remember which of the many were worse. Lokeren away, i went in the wrong hotel, and understandly struggled to find my room.

Swansea away managed to lock myself out of the hotel in my undies.

I cannot reveal the really bad ones.
Sheffield United away I was about 17 or 18. Out the night before up early abergeldi cafe for breakfast 9:30am train, several cans of Stella. In sheffield went to pub opposite station. Then someone told us of a pub that sold this beer where you could only have half a pint it was so strong. Was sick all over the toilet after drinking said beer. Back to the pub near station. Only other memory of the day is we equalised in the last minute as went other a barrier and thats about it don't know how I got home.
It was the Frog and Parrot on West St that sold the strong stuff, there was one beer they only sold a third of a pint at a time, it was like drinking treacle, horrible.
Yeah, definitely Bayern away the first time during Oktoberfest.

Spent the entire day in the tents (great day). I've no recollection of the game though, or getting to the ground etc. But for some blurry pictures I wouldn't have known I'd been to the ground so I was pleased to get the chance to go back the other times.

I've tried to pace myself a bit better on the day of the game at least since then.

Having said that though, my memory of Schalke away a couple of years ago is a little hazy too.
Yeah, definitely Bayern away the first time during Oktoberfest.

Spent the entire day in the tents (great day). I've no recollection of the game though, or getting to the ground etc. But for some blurry pictures I wouldn't have known I'd been to the ground so I was pleased to get the chance to go back the other times.

I've tried to pace myself a bit better on the day of the game at least since then.

Having said that though, my memory of Schalke away a couple of years ago is a little hazy too.
You are probably just allergic against German beer... ;)
That trip city had to Romania under Mark Hughes sounded like a good one, read the police were that bored they were being taxis for city fans taking them to strip bars or something along them lines. Was it Timisoaura?
Finally a proper thread. Right forget the play off final, Gillingham, away in the league. Me and 3 others got the 7am train down. I stupidly took 4 cans of lager thinking they would want a drink, they didnt so I did the 4. Then beer in London and Gillingham. I was that wrecked I climbed onto a wall and had a sleep before the match. It turned out it was a railway bridge ! Thank fuck I didnt turn over in my sleep.
Anyway, saw the match, back on the piss in Gillingham and London and I only let myself down when we finished off in the boozer by Euston on Guinness. I couldn't manage the last pint so took it with me on the train. when I woke up in Manchester the full pint was still on the table.
Someone saw me at the match and later commented that he has never seen anyone as pissed as me before
Finally a proper thread. Right forget the play off final, Gillingham, away in the league. Me and 3 others got the 7am train down. I stupidly took 4 cans of lager thinking they would want a drink, they didnt so I did the 4. Then beer in London and Gillingham. I was that wrecked I climbed onto a wall and had a sleep before the match. It turned out it was a railway bridge ! Thank fuck I didnt turn over in my sleep.
Anyway, saw the match, back on the piss in Gillingham and London and I only let myself down when we finished off in the boozer by Euston on Guinness. I couldn't manage the last pint so took it with me on the train. when I woke up in Manchester the full pint was still on the table.
Someone saw me at the match and later commented that he has never seen anyone as pissed as me before
Yeah us lot from Heywood went that game, on the beer all the way down there and it seemed like we were travelling to france it took that long on the coach. Found a boozer with a big beer garden down there and sat in the sun and carried on knocking them back. Then we had to walk down to the ground, all in a line across the road absolutely bobbins, then one of the lads at the end of the line fell into the lad next to him, and so creating a spectacle of human domino's. We all hit the deck,but for the last two who ended up through someones privets and faced down on someones lawn.
Shit ground but a monster session

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