Most pissed you have been at a game..

Did an all-nighter at Sankeys back in the late 90’s, house party and then on to Maine Road. Gurning like a mad thing, think we lost to Wolves, can’t remember much though. Half time jars kept me going.
Another all nighter before a derby, drinking pints in the Trafford bar(!) and then mouthing off on the forecourt. I was nearly battered by a few of those ghastly scrote reds, only a few coppers dragged me away thankfully.
Oh to be young and idiotic once again !
Oh and if we are talking about pissed after the match...
Blackburn promotion season, beer before the match, local pub after and then Pevril of the Peak and at some point the landlady told my mate that if I didn't wake up I was out. He woke me up and I carried on!!!!
Notts County away May Bank Holiday 85 (promotion season). I was 20 years old. Had a seat ticket so straight in and jumped down into terraces. Made our way to halfway line and climbed a 7ft fence into next terracing where it was a mix of city and county fans. Kicked off and escorted back into terrace where we had just come from. Gave it 10 mins and climbed back over after a while got spotted by one of the coppers who had escorted us out and he just stood there shaking his head - coppers were completely overrun all day. Back into Manchester afterwards and hit the town getting home in the early hours. Couldnt get my key in door next minute it flies open and my mum charges out giving me a right slap. The ITN evening news had reported a load of trouble and a number of stabbings and she had sat up worrying. Only time my mum ever hit me but what a great day other than the result.
Southampton away 1991 , hired a van from gatefields in Ashton about 10 of us , we even put a sofa in the back . Set off about 7 in the morning after a heavy night and carried on drinking all the way down . Met my brother in a pub outside the ground , Winterton Arms if I remember rightly , who was living down that way. Got pulled out of the queue by one of Hampshires finest and told if he saw me in the ground I would be spending the night in a hotel of his choice . So with that myself and my brother made our way round to the soton end , paid in and took our place standing behind the nets and donned our floppy city hats on . Quinny scored after about 10 mins , cue manic celebrations . You can see us on YouTube . How we never got a slap I'll never know . Went to Portsmouth after game , fell asleep in the van where the bastards had tied my shoelaces together , , woke me up where I promptly grazed my face on the tarmac . Mates had done what soton fans should of
Some of the Euro always have to be up there, especially when we beat Bayern 3-2 at the Allianz, which happened to be on my birthday, but they are knocked into a cocked hat by the Brighton semi final in 2019.

Ironically enough, had been working in Sussex the day before and my punter took my out on the Friday night in Brighton, which was mental in itself. Got up on Saturday morning and got the train up to London, which was full of Brighton fans (obvs) and started drinking as soon as I landed.

Then went to an Italian off Baker Street for an early lunch with my son and my best mate and after quite a bit of wine started on the Negronis. Must have had at least six each. By the time I got to Wembley I could barely stand. Spent most of the first half drifting in and out of sleep, although I saw the goal. Sobered up enough to watch the second half in its entirety.

I was an absolute shambles tbf and fuck knows what those sat around me thought. Still, I have a very high embarrassment threshold and now look back fondly upon the day.

That period from the defeat of Liverpool through to the Cup Final win v Watford was like something from a dream, it was that good.
About as close to perfection as it’s possible to experience, over half a season (there or thereabouts), as a football supporter - and that mental day was very much part of it.
And I always thought you were a small claims solicitor, not someone who solicits

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