Most pissed you have been at a game..

Pretty much every European away game I've been to. Schalke away in 2008 was particularly bad though. Nearly fell into the tier below at one point.
I did wonder if you'd admit to this

Sturridge played wide left in this game. Do you remember asking me "is that Onuoha?"
Birmingham away one year, in the boozer at 8am, after a night on the ale Friday night. Loads of cans in the back of the van, another 4 or 5 pints in some boozer that was packed with City, then more cans in the van. Couldn't see past the halfway line.
Crystal Palace away 1990 - final game of the season just before they played the scum in the Cup Final. Was so pissed that I slipped a disc and didn't realise until I woke up the next day in agony!
Notts County away 1985 - lost 3-2

Proper 80s day out

Went on a morning drive - good breakfast, not so good comedians & not very good looking strippers

Wandering / falling in & out of pubs around Nottingham before game

Missed every goal due to having to visit the gents - was only 18 so not prostrate !

Seasoncard holder & only stopped going away last few seasons

Since Notts Co only ever have a couple of brandies before a game pre match nerves & medicinal - vowed not to miss another City goal at a game after that day out

Suppose could have got extremely pissed during Pearce reign & count goals possibly missed on one hand
Finally a proper thread. Right forget the play off final, Gillingham, away in the league. Me and 3 others got the 7am train down. I stupidly took 4 cans of lager thinking they would want a drink, they didnt so I did the 4. Then beer in London and Gillingham. I was that wrecked I climbed onto a wall and had a sleep before the match. It turned out it was a railway bridge ! Thank fuck I didnt turn over in my sleep.
Anyway, saw the match, back on the piss in Gillingham and London and I only let myself down when we finished off in the boozer by Euston on Guinness. I couldn't manage the last pint so took it with me on the train. when I woke up in Manchester the full pint was still on the table.
Someone saw me at the match and later commented that he has never seen anyone as pissed as me before
I was at that game too. Stayed down the road from Gillingham, in a place called Deal. I remember going to a trendy wine bar after the game, which was filling up with well to do couples. My mate then started going SSSSS, SSSSS, SSSS, CITY! CITY! CITY! We were promptly asked to finish our drinks and leave. Then went to a bar with a dance floor, dancing away in my full on Kappa tracksuit with some local girl (missed opportunity). Then when making our way home we saw a guy in a rags top and abused him royally. Certain members of our party may have lobbed their empty bottles of Bud at him (not that I condone such behaviour). Got back to our digs where one of our party chucked up out of the top floor window and another fell asleep naked in the bathroom,

I remember the coppers goading us after the game saying Millwall fans were waiting for us in London and that we would get our heads kicked in. I politely made them aware we were staying locally which soon wiped the smiles of their faces.
Sheffield United away I was about 17 or 18. Out the night before up early abergeldi cafe for breakfast 9:30am train, several cans of Stella. In sheffield went to pub opposite station. Then someone told us of a pub that sold this beer where you could only have half a pint it was so strong. Was sick all over the toilet after drinking said beer. Back to the pub near station. Only other memory of the day is we equalised in the last minute as went other a barrier and thats about it don't know how I got home.
One of my mates was that hammered he chundered and fell asleep in his seat before the KO of that game. He woke up near the end and started jumping up and down celebrating our last minute equaliser, splashing a lady and her kids with sick in the process!
either Arsenal at home when we got tonked (1-5?) about 18 years ago, i was leathered and then had 4 pints at half time for some reason. Dont really remember leaving the ground. was Maine Road.

or Newcastle at home at the Etihad about 10 or 12 years ago, where i spent the most of the first half telling Shay Given he'd never amount to anything and wouldnt ever feel truly happy at Newcastle. It all got a bit philosophical at one point.
And then there was Basle, away. I flew into somewhere and had a couple of beers, met up with the London Blues and had more. We then went to a 'pub' right outside the ground and had even more but..... I stuck to my rule, dont be pissed before the match and was OK. After the match is different and we left the ground and went back to the same pub. After that it is a total blur, I am told we got on the wrong tram and ended up miles from where we should have been.
Apparently I tried flagging a taxi down whilst sat in the middle of the road. Fortunately the cop who got out saw the funny side and radioed for one. Well they both have lights on the roof, how was i to know !
If it wasnt for a brilliant London Blue who got me back to the apartment I think I would have frozen to death in the wasteland that is a Basle industrial estate.

So, a quick mention to all the the London Blues who have drunk with me in Turin, Basle and just about every other City we have visited these last few years. A better bunch of drunks you could not wish to meet.

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