Most shocking online videos

allan harper said:
I have trouble watching fucking casualty never mind watching some of these vids.
I've seen the sky dive one on facebook and it is very graphic. What's the two girls one cup about ? Sounds like porn to me

trust me, if you wont find yourself able to masturbate to 2 girls 1 cup unlike regular porn ill pm you a link to it if you want, but its not nice im telling you
Supercity er er er can you lightly describe it for me mate I don't think I want the link or maybe I do
allan harper said:
Supercity er er er can you lightly describe it for me mate I don't think I want the link or maybe I do

well im not going to describe it in full on a public forum, but just type on youtube for reaction videos. itll make up your mind if you want to see it
BulgarianPride said:
ElanJo said:
I've just watched the hammer one and I am now for the death penalty. I've been against it my entire life but monsters like that need to die.

Why the fuck would anyone watch it? You are as just as bad (well obviously not), for watching it. All of you! Why the fuck would you watch a guy being killed?(assuming the descriptions on here are right). Something is wrong with you people. Where the fuck is the FBI/Internet police? Fuck i got sick from just reading on here.

I didn't watch it out of some weird pleasure. It's a case of wanting to know what goes on in the world and understanding what we (normal empathetic people) are up against. To watch these things is very difficult but, imo, you actually have to see them to really grasp reality and therefore tackle it. Just reading about people being killed in the newspaper is easy I suppose. You can get on with life as easy as it is to turn the page.
ElanJo said:
BulgarianPride said:
Why the fuck would anyone watch it? You are as just as bad (well obviously not), for watching it. All of you! Why the fuck would you watch a guy being killed?(assuming the descriptions on here are right). Something is wrong with you people. Where the fuck is the FBI/Internet police? Fuck i got sick from just reading on here.

I didn't watch it out of some weird pleasure. It's a case of wanting to know what goes on in the world and understanding what we (normal empathetic people) are up against. To watch these things is very difficult but, imo, you actually have to see them to really grasp reality and therefore tackle it. Just reading about people being killed in the newspaper is easy I suppose. You can get on with life as easy as it is to turn the page.

Good answer to a quite frankly pathetic question and insinuation.
blue jim said:
so apart from those the one that really sticks out in my mind are fur traders skinning a rabbit alive and letting it die which took a while. it just sits there unable to move, twitching a bit. thats whats horrifying about it.

That video is on the PETA website if I remember right. Sickening stuff.
Just watched that 3 guys 1 hammer and i seriously think this thread should be deleted. Curiosity got the better of me and i watched the first 3 mins of it.

Kids actually come on this forum and for them to see something like that would be more than the disturbing feeling i felt.

I seriously feel sick!
allan harper said:
Cheers mate I'm on mi phone so ill have a look later.

It starts off looking like lesbian porn, it quickly changes to "chocolate Mr. Whippy" eating... and instead of normal 'squirting' they squirt the Mr Whippy back out of thier mouth via thier stomachs.

I think thats the nicest way of describing it.

3 guys 1 hammer was posted by a mate on fb last week, i read the comments underneath and luckily never clicked it. How has not been taken off the internet?

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