Most shocking online videos

I typed it in Google and instead of clicking the video link I bravely presses the wiki link instead. Quite a bit to read about it if u want to read about the sick bastards sounds disgusting anyway!
I typed it in Google and instead of clicking the video link I bravely presses the wiki link instead. Quite a bit to read about it if u want to read about the sick bastards sounds disgusting anyway!
ello_jo said:
I typed it in Google and instead of clicking the video link I bravely presses the wiki link instead. Quite a bit to read about it if u want to read about the sick bastards sounds disgusting anyway!

Its not worth it. Dont watch it. They were sick fucks stick to 2 girls one cup seriously.
GStar said:
allan harper said:
Cheers mate I'm on mi phone so ill have a look later.

It starts off looking like lesbian porn, it quickly changes to "chocolate Mr. Whippy" eating... and instead of normal 'squirting' they squirt the Mr Whippy back out of thier mouth via thier stomachs.

I think thats the nicest way of describing it.

3 guys 1 hammer was posted by a mate on fb last week, i read the comments underneath and luckily never clicked it. How has not been taken off the internet?

It's not been taken off the internet for the same reason we all either love or hate the net. It's a completely uncontrolable beast. In some ways thats great. In others it's bad. It's for the user to decide and act responsibly.

I've seen shit loads of these shock clips. Cliff diver accident, Guy squashed by arctic lorrie, Suicide bomber blowing himself in half.... All nasty shit.

I've never watched any of the beheadings and i refuse to watch the 3 guys one hammer clip. And i guess thats my point. It's all up to us what we view. My father says it cheapens the soul to view clips like these and in a way i agree with him. The fact is the vast majority of us live in a somewhat boring yet nice and stable existance in a coccoon like western Europe. Very rarely (thankfully) do we get to see genuine horror before our very eyes in the flesh. The National media censors 90% of what we see. In the middle eastern countries where death is an every day reality right before your eyes, thier media has hardley any cesorship whatsoever. No person of sound mind likes to see others suffer. But it's also fair to say there is certainly a dark place within us all which craves anger, violence and chaos. It's being able to control these things and keeping a cool head when faced with them that makes us "civilised" human beings.
And as for two girls one cup. Well i wouldn't even put that in the catagory of "most shocking vids"

It's just a bit eeww. But they're not hurting anybody. It just made me think "eeewwww, you dirty bitches". There is loads of stuff like that out there. It's called "scat porn". It's not my cup of...erm....tea, But it's not to be compared to a clip where somebody loses thier life in a shockingly horrible way IMO.

Anybody who's interested then Japanese Cinema is FULL of bizzare shit. They are a wonderfully imaginative yet quite dark race the Japanese. I'd reckomend Ichi the killer or Brother to anybody as great films. If you want something a bit more disturbing then go for Visitor Q. It makes Salo look like the pile of shite it is (for those of you who may have seen that overhyped crap). Visitor Q is the Grimmest film i've ever seen. But also hillariously funny at times.....Not one to watch with the family though....... You have been warned.
Not really a shocking video (quite hilarious actually) is where there is some chav kicking a concrete fence. The horizontal panel snaps and the one above drops down and crushes his leg. It kind of looks like the fence eats his leg :p. In fact, there is a gif knocking around where someone has drawn a face on the fence
if you want a laugh type 1 guy 1 jar in google
and follow the links, you will be surprised what lengths some twisted fucks will go to to get a kick
big blueballs said:
if you want a laugh type 1 guy 1 jar in google
and follow the links, you will be surprised what lengths some twisted fucks will go to to get a kick

Don't even need to look at it, as I know the one you're on about. That guy deserved to bleed to near-death for doing that, if its the one I'm thinking of. Why the fuck would you want to do that?!
Pigeonho said:
big blueballs said:
if you want a laugh type 1 guy 1 jar in google
and follow the links, you will be surprised what lengths some twisted fucks will go to to get a kick

Don't even need to look at it, as I know the one you're on about. That guy deserved to bleed to near-death for doing that, if its the one I'm thinking of. Why the fuck would you want to do that?!
i think the jar shattering took him by surprise but what did he expect, i fucking pissed myself when i saw it the sick twat

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