Most shocking online videos

I'm not shocked by anything much.

What I do find disturbing is he way a lot of the sites that host these videos present extreme violence/murder alongside porn and humour, as if it's all just similar entertainment.
Im sorry for posting a link, but it had to be done, especially considering the reactions of the people I've shown it to:
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Bigleys was horrible........have to saw through his windpipe to finish the job.

What happened in that one?
Seen a few but stopped watching these a while back. Matured i suppose. But if you're looking for the sickest video's on the web there is no better, (if that word can be used), place than
never seen any of these and have no intention of watching them
There's a site called toxicjunction, not sure if been mentioned yet. Has allsorts of horrible things, some daft and funny too like the kid banging his balls whilst doing a skateboard stunt. Nothing really makes me squeam, but I have seen the hammer video and knocked it off at the screwdriver in the face part, not because I felt sick, but because the ending is inevitable and to see a human suffer like that, defenceless and without a hope in hell, well its as fucked up as it gets. On the cliff one though where he smashes his face in, I heard that was a fake video because if it has been real the guys head would have come clean off with the force of hitting the rocks as hard as he did. Just what I heard like. Still, having said how awful that Russian video is, I can't help but think i'd watch the entire thing from beginning to end if it had been one, or both, of the bulger murderers, or Huntley/Whiting etc. Infact I believe I would take great pleasure in viewing such pain and injury being inflicted on the likes of people like that.
ive seen all of them and dont want to comment, i cant think of words to use.

so apart from those the one that really sticks out in my mind are fur traders skinning a rabbit alive and letting it die which took a while. it just sits there unable to move, twitching a bit. thats whats horrifying about it.

would love to scalp the bastards see how they like it.

not videos but ive heard of plenty of things happening before, though they didnt die. i remember hearing about someone on my old estate who was raped in a graveyard with a rusty metal pipe and it destroyed him mentally. the bastards who did it got caught by certain erm.. paramilitaries and well i dont know what happened to them, it was around then i told the person telling me to shut up, couldnt hear more. the guy hung himself a few years later.
You sick bastards lol I feel ill just reading about all these, I know I'm not going to watch any of it can be prevented!
I have trouble watching fucking casualty never mind watching some of these vids.
I've seen the sky dive one on facebook and it is very graphic. What's the two girls one cup about ? Sounds like porn to me

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