Most shocking online videos

BlueDean said:
Worst I've seen is when two chechens capture a russian soilder and decapitate him with a hunting knife, not nice. Seen some horrible images on the net involving car crashes, not seen the hammer one either and so far managed to avoid googling 2 girls one cup as well

Same here man but one from Iraq with an innocent civilian aid worker. Kids and easilly offended don't read the small text.

The most disturbing thing i've seen was one of the first beheading videos from Iraq. Up untill i saw that for some daft reason i though they were sticking peoples head on a block and whacking it of in one go. When in fact they were slowly cutting his head of with a butchers knife and at the end you see them hacking the last bits to get his head of just the same way you would kill an animal (sheep/lamb).

The most disturbing part that got to me was the guys that were doing it. IIRC there were 5 guys doing it and 4 of them you could see even they were disturbed by what they were doing, espeacially when you could hear the victim choking and gurgling on his own blood.

Basically all 5 of them were channting Allahu Akbar up untill the gurgling. The ring leader though, the one doing the cutting never stopped chanting. At the point the others stopped channting you could see him turn and starring at the them well channting even louder Allahu Akbar at which point they joined in again.

Very very fucked up video espeacially as i was tricked in to watching it and once i start to watch somthing i have to watch it all the way through i'm a bit O.C.D. that way (i drive the mrs up the wall doing that watching shit films that i should just turn off).
I've managed to avoid every single one of these videos.

That hammer thing sounds absolutely next level, though. How is that still on the net? Really.
I've now watched that hammer one.... and I think its the worst choice I could have ever made.

Curiousity got the better of me and honestly, I'm typing this with tears in my eyes

I left school in 1986 with an O level in English language - but I cannot find any words to describe what I've just watched
ctidcarl said:
I've now watched that hammer one.... and I think its the worst choice I could have ever made.

Curiousity got the better of me and honestly, I'm typing this with tears in my eyes

I left school in 1986 with an O level in English language - but I cannot find any words to describe what I've just watched

SharpDressedMan said:
ctidcarl said:
I've now watched that hammer one.... and I think its the worst choice I could have ever made.

Curiousity got the better of me and honestly, I'm typing this with tears in my eyes

I left school in 1986 with an O level in English language - but I cannot find any words to describe what I've just watched


I know!!

I'll be more selective in future
ctidcarl said:
I've now watched that hammer one.... and I think its the worst choice I could have ever made.

Curiousity got the better of me and honestly, I'm typing this with tears in my eyes

I left school in 1986 with an O level in English language - but I cannot find any words to describe what I've just watched

I've just watched the hammer one and I am now for the death penalty. I've been against it my entire life but monsters like that need to die.
That one where they're eating her and then they're going to eat the guy.

OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooood it's horrifying.
ElanJo said:
ctidcarl said:
I've now watched that hammer one.... and I think its the worst choice I could have ever made.

Curiousity got the better of me and honestly, I'm typing this with tears in my eyes

I left school in 1986 with an O level in English language - but I cannot find any words to describe what I've just watched

I've just watched the hammer one and I am now for the death penalty. I've been against it my entire life but monsters like that need to die.

Why the fuck would anyone watch it? You are as just as bad (well obviously not), for watching it. All of you! Why the fuck would you watch a guy being killed?(assuming the descriptions on here are right). Something is wrong with you people. Where the fuck is the FBI/Internet police? Fuck i got sick from just reading on here.
I never watch videos like this becuase I know it affects me for weeks. The last one I saw was a video of somewhere in Asia (china I think) where they were killing dogs on the street then skinning them alive. Really upset me and ever since then I has never even looked at the others. I think the video was actually from a very large animal rights organisation, possibly PETA

while on the subject of the hammer one. I had read quite a bit into it a while back, and the hammer isn't the only murder they did, and also not the most gruesome. I could never watch anything like that.
I just watched the hammer one and that was disgusting. I don't understand how that man was still alive after some of that. You would certainly wish for death after even the first few moments of that video.

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