
Moston is populated with salt-of-the-earth people. The only reason it has a bad reputation is because the gangsters from Cheetham Hill use it as their playground for criminality.

Just like Mosside, it is not as bad as its reputation. Longsight is much worse than both.
BTH said:
Not Moston I know, but last year I spent a week working on the Damhead Estate. Within a day of starting there everyone knew I was there and why I was there. All of the people I met were fine, salt o' the earth types and I got no mither whatosever. In fact a couple of people asked me if I fancied a brew. Most had a scary-looking dog and many seemed to revel in the estate's notoriety and kept asking me what I thought of it. Just told them it didn't bother me and besides, I'm from Wythenshawe. They were suitably impressed. Although I've not lived there for nigh on 20 years and it was a decent place when I was growing up, I got the distinct impression that only Wythenshawe could possibly trump Damhead for notoriety. Perceptions are a wonderful thing.

PMSL , I could tell you some tales regarding Dam Head . In 1975 we moved on there as the estate was being built . I lived on there for 12 years .
Even now when I'm visiting old friends who still live on there it's still got 'that edge' .
Regarding Moston , in 1985 the Ben Mob made the mistake of thinking they could come up to the estate and take liberties . The same year Higher Blackley made the same mistake steaming down Kerr St tooled up and mob handed . That particular riot lasted a few hours .
My Dad leathered me that night after lieing to him that I had been at my mates house all night . When in fact he had saw me on Granada news being filmed running across the fields at the bottom of the estate waving a baseball bat above my head . The Fire station got petrol bombed that night ...crazy .
The exuberance of youth eh ?
It's only a small estate but look's and size can be deceiving . Boozing in Blackley village in the 80's made for some interesting evenings
Blackley Village was a great place to grow up in the late 60s to mid 70s.
Then they moved us all out to Cheetham Hill and other estates,breaking up a good community.Good to see the "Ye Goldern Lion" and Bill Brown still going (although now on Moston Lane market) from the old days.
Time flies,eh?
Moston lane and kenyon lane are the shittest areas of manchester that exist. I am a driver and travel to all parts of manchester and there is not 1 part of it that i dont know. I would happily walk around moss side during the day time, and did many a year back watching city, never ever had any hassle with locals.

Moston is a different kettle of fish, i have witnessed several drug deals going down over the past 2 years openly on the streets, 2 weeks ago some local yobs decided to set fire to the local bank ( you must be as hard as fucking nails to do that). The main street resembles something from a deepest afrian slum. Just before christmas i had a run in with a local black lad. The main street was closed for repairs and a detour took you around the Favela (slum), i was driving down a narrow road with a line of parked cars on both sides, only wide enough for 1 car. I was within 2 car lengths of the end of the road when this prick in his stolen Audi a4 cabrolet came flying intoi the road and started beeping and flashing, expecting me to reverse back!!! All i will say is that several words were exchanged, non of which will be repeated (due to offending the yoghurt knitters and guardian readers) In the end he backed up, punched the van (again hard as fuck to do that) and spat at me with his aids ridden fluid, thank god it hit the window. What happened next was only what i can describe as one of those moments off "the worlds wildest police chases" but without the police. He chased me in his big fast audi and me in a transit connect van throught the streets and he nearly knocked 3 children over. I slammed on and he swerved and hit a kirb, chase over i drove off laughing and a police car came round the corner and stopped to assist the twat who was fuming at the front end damage to the car. Anyway, rant over, moston is a fucking hole. end off, off to work!!!
It's amazing how areas and perceptions of areas change.

Moston was a great working class area, I was born and bred there.

Most kids in the area went to North Manchester for Boys as Moston Brook (where I went) was considered too rough as the kids from Harpurhey, Ancoats, Newton Heath, Collyhurst and Miles platting went there.

I thought Moston was normal and my family in Cheetham Hill lived in a "rough" area, then I moved down south and discovered where I was from was indeed very different to normal places, although Oxford was at the other end of the scale.

When I first moved back to Manchester I headed to blackley (next to Dam Head) as I remembered it being nice, posh even...funnily enough it wasn't as posh as I remembered (:-)

Mrs Oxblue was dragged up from Cambridge to live in Manc and promptly decided she needed somewhere less lively to live, so now in sunny Rammy and up here they consider Radcliffe rough?

Most of it, is what you know or you're used to.

I'd feel more intimidated on a housing estate in south Manchester as I don't know it.
mancityvstoke said:
Gaudino said:
Spent ten years working at Ferranti Ins. there....ok, it had it's moments, but was a decent enough area on the whole with a lot of good people. Not any's really gotten rough.

Moston Lane and what is now locally known as Kenya Lane especially.
About two years ago there was a Somalian cafe that had a sign in the door saying 'No Whites'.
.......jeez, magine the press and tv coverage had that been the other way around..

this never actually happened

Oh, ok....I didn't see it then. Nor did others I worked with up there at the time...must have imagined it....
ConnorMCFC said:
scottyboi said:
The biggest shithole in manchester, full of smackhead scum and fat girls.
How anyone would want to live there is beyond me.
Every newborn gets put on tag cos the little shit will be robbing cars age 2.
The girls are fat and buzz off shopping at LIDL I FUCKING hate moston.
Hated working there the lads are blatant tramps wearing white socks with black trainers. Only in north manchester do you get away with that sort of shite.
The entire place is subsiding and is knee deep in fucking litter and boarded up houses.

you dick!!!! im not form moston but what a fucking immature, childish thing to say! your worse than anyone form moston just from that comment alone

I had to put up with the little tramps so fuck off. Moston is a fucking shit tip and belong's in Leeds or Stoke. God I hate that fucking place.
mcfcdave said:
ConnorMCFC said:
im from middleton just down the road from moston and i know a fair frew good people from there. seems to me that reputation of a certain area gets in the way of the fact that there are good people from a certain area

were abouts in mid are you down all the time my bird lives there.
im form alkrington mate where abouts does your bird live?
Having lived in and grown up in Moston for 28 years, I can honestly say that when I was a kid, Moston was a fairly normal place to live. Unfortunately, as with most towns in Manchester, you do get some knobheads who go around thinking they own the place. In my teens there were gangs, protection rackets and substantial drug use and dealing. The problem with Moston then was that you had a load of scrotes from the Lightbowne estate next door, The 'Ben Mob', who were nothing but a bunch of unevolved pricks, and various other turds from Cheetham Hill and Blackley and Collyhurst, all sticking their chests out like ten men, each and every one of them bringing the whole tone of the neighbourhood down because they wanted to fill their sad little lives with little gangster games.

Then, a load of private landlords with properties in London and the home counties, decided to buy a load of terraced housing and rent em out to pricks from Hulme and Longsight (especially Hulme after the old Hulme was rebuilt). Pretty soon, all the scum from across the city was dumped on Moston while regeneration went on in the towns they'd come from. The privately rented housing went from bad to worse until it all got abandoned and left to rot.

Now you have immigration from Africa re-populating the place and turning it into some kind of shanty town like the middle of Addisabbaba.

The vast majority of people from Moston are good, honest people who have seen their community disintegrate before their eyes. Now, the local economy has gone to shit, half the pubs are boarded up or turned into something with an African theme, and drug use, alcohol abuse and the re-emergence of gang violence is rife because the community is no longer a community and doesn't even know its own identity like it did thirty years ago. It's a classic example of the local government allowing a once thriving place to collapse upon itself.

There are worse places to live. Longsight is a shithole, Moss Side too (though at least it has a community), Wythenshawe is an experiment gone horribly wrong.

I now live in Chorlton, where a lot of people aren't even Mancunian, but at least I can walk home from the pub without fear of getting stabbed in the kidneys. I'm glad I got out of Moston but to suggest it is the worst place on earth is wrong. I'd rather live in Moston than Longsight or Moss Side or Cheetham Hill any day.

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