kippax neil said:
Hansen commenting that we had no passion, no fight, no quality that you'd expect from a top side.

He said that we had none of that before Tevez scored. Which is fair comment, because we hardly looked threatening before the goal for 1-1. You can't take his comment out of context and then belittle him for it.
Can anyone post a screenshot of the Terry picture behind the MOTD panel?

A touch of the Quasimodos don't you think?

I think the BBC wanted him to look like a cnut, without having to say the words.
[quote="Thatchersforearm"]Hansen has the neck of a 50 year old woman. Wear a scarf or something you thick jock bastard. Carlise? Hahaha..... and as for David James' 'fro, well, there is a World Cup coming up. He has to have his hair right. Expect it to be braided in the next week[/quote]
PMSL - You're right - like Joan Collins before the airbrush is applied.
well that was a joke tonight, not once did hansen or shearer comment on how disciplined city were at, how well we defended or how good our goals were and especially the counter attack goal which was superb, all it was about was that twat terry and his last 4 games and how chelsea have under performed,

not once did i see anything about how bridge handled the game well, and how well he actually played, they never shown him charging down the wing taking players on or how good his defending was, it was just chelsea all the time,

if rooney would of scored 2 goals today in that game and the scum won 4-2, it would of just been about them, but because it is city they won't say anything, never heard a dickie bird from them 3 pricks about how well we did, all they could do was go on about the first half saying we was poor, given had fuck all to do apart from 1 shot, we defended well, ok we didn't pepper the chelsea goal, but we passed it well, hansen mentioned saying the second half was different but never commented or gave us any sort of recognition for today,

they don't like it, they don't like talking positive about us either,

well get fucking used to it BBC and MOTD because were coming after everyone big time and no ones gonna stop us.
Freestyler said:
well that was a joke tonight, not once did hansen or shearer comment on how disciplined city were at, how well we defended or how good our goals were and especially the counter attack goal which was superb, all it was about was that twat terry and his last 4 games and how chelsea have under performed,

not once did i see anything about how bridge handled the game well, and how well he actually played, they never shown him charging down the wing taking players on or how good his defending was, it was just chelsea all the time,

if rooney would of scored 2 goals today in that game and the scum won 4-2, it would of just been about them, but because it is city they won't say anything, never heard a dickie bird from them 3 pricks about how well we did, all they could do was go on about the first half saying we was poor, given had fuck all to do apart from 1 shot, we defended well, ok we didn't pepper the chelsea goal, but we passed it well, hansen mentioned saying the second half was different but never commented or gave us any sort of recognition for today,

they don't like it, they don't like talking positive about us either,

well get fucking used to it BBC and MOTD because were coming after everyone big time and no ones gonna stop us.
Lee Dixon's on MOTD2 tomorrow - he'll put a good word in for us.
It was frustrating that all the emphasis was on the Bridge/Terry story, and Chelsea errors rather than giving us credit for our performance in the second half but really, who gives a shit? The result is all that matters, not really arsed how the BBC choose to report it. Still think talk of a media conspiracy against us is a bit far fetched.
BlueMooney said:
kippax neil said:
Hansen commenting that we had no passion, no fight, no quality that you'd expect from a top side.

He said that we had none of that before Tevez scored. Which is fair comment, because we hardly looked threatening before the goal for 1-1. You can't take his comment out of context and then belittle him for it.

It was still way over the top, though.
BlueMooney said:
kippax neil said:
Hansen commenting that we had no passion, no fight, no quality that you'd expect from a top side.

He said that we had none of that before Tevez scored. Which is fair comment, because we hardly looked threatening before the goal for 1-1. You can't take his comment out of context and then belittle him for it.

It was still way over the top, though.

Fancy being paid £1.2 million a year just to come on telly once a week and talk crap. License money at work again.
Pam said:
BlueMooney said:
He said that we had none of that before Tevez scored. Which is fair comment, because we hardly looked threatening before the goal for 1-1. You can't take his comment out of context and then belittle him for it.

It was still way over the top, though.

Fancy being paid £1.2 million a year just to come on telly once a week and talk crap. License money at work again.

you are joking

except, I've just looked it up, and you're not.

I normally don't get upset about BBC salaries, but that takes the biscuit. He is so lazy in his analysis.

We should draft a letter to send to our MP's.
bizzbo said:
Pam said:
It was still way over the top, though.

Fancy being paid £1.2 million a year just to come on telly once a week and talk crap. License money at work again.

you are joking

except, I've just looked it up, and you're not.

I normally don't get upset about BBC salaries, but that takes the biscuit. He is so lazy in his analysis.

We should draft a letter to send to our MP's.

its all aload of bollocks! shit pundit on that much

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