Moths, wasps and spiders..

I have noticed a change in the small beastie population over a number of years.
When we first came here, there were loads of moths and several species of butterflies. Gradually they have declined until there are just tiny moths and only one species of butterfly, the holly blue.
There are no greenfly this year and our roses are fine without spraying.
We used to have about 3 or 4 wasp nests per year, now there are none.
Still plenty of bees though thank god.
Plenty of garden birds but this year we have not seen any swallows, swifts or martins, which is worrying.
Bats less numerous.
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No joke, we're at our house in Chiang Mai at the moment. I've seen small ones about the garden before, but this is the first time I've happened across one this size. The bosslady wanted to squish it, I valiantly moved it on to a piece of rough ground across the road with a broom.
Ach, relatively harmless that one anyway.
As earlier answer stated they are probably related to the fruit fly but I've found are in fact drain flies who live down your plughole. Maybe 2 boiling kettles per day would help in addition to the steam jet. They do seem to be attracted especially to bananas and grapes whether securely wrapped or not. They also don't like mint or lavender plants around.
Good shout for drain flies. We used to get them in Spain, believe it or not around the drains. I always used to wonder where they went before drains were invented.
No joke, we're at our house in Chiang Mai at the moment. I've seen small ones about the garden before, but this is the first time I've happened across one this size. The bosslady wanted to squish it, I valiantly moved it on to a piece of rough ground across the road with a broom.
Wow its huge !!!

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