Well-Known Member
I'm implying that all Muslims know a peado or a Jihadi am I? "Carrying on with myself"?
L O fucking L.
Where did I imply that ?!!!
This is exactly what is wrong.
I could complain that it's been implied in this thread I am pro right wing but I won't cos it's plain to see I'm not.
You're jumping to conclusions and making assumptions because some people demand more action from all sides for the sake of the safety of the general public.
Of course people shouldn't interrogate any Muslim they know. Of course police need evidence before a raid. What I'm saying is the powers that be should equip police with whatever they need to go after known suspects. I can't remember the exact figure but police have about 3000 Muslims either on a list suspected or known to be Jihadi's but it takes something like 60 officers to follow their movement 24/7 7 days a week. That's for just 1 suspect. I'd imagine if they could they'd put the ones who'd had a fortnights holiday in Libya and just come back down as a priority.
More Muslims need to stand up and not bury their heads.
Let me make it clear.
I don't give a shit what colour they are or what religion they are but the fact remains IslamIic extremists are responsible for 99% of terror attacks. Let's demand more action from both sides of the fence IE the government and everyday Muslims rather than the liberal and/or media snowflakes just saying "we must be strong".
Neither side have been strong enough IMO.
That's also what I believe Katie Hopkins meant but people are so quick to jump and get offended at the faintest hint of criticism or a phrase used with a connection to an atrocity 70 odd years ago.
Good job Joy Division didn't wait till 2017 to change their name to New Order or they would've been charged with fucking hate crime.
Oh yeah mate I fink I doo...
Absolutely ridiculous.
Again, clear evidence of the easily offended mentality.
Maybe you should go back and read your first post on here, then you may understand why others see you as a right winger.
Loves Hopkins; check
Blames all Muslims; check
Post vid from rwnj site; check