motorway idiots targeted

urmston said:
andyhinch said:
urmston said:
The speed limit is 70.

As you are a law-breaker you a hardly in a strong position to complain about others not sticking to the rules.
Never had a point or accident after driving approx 1,000,000 miles give or take, you satamonius ****, you've never broken the speed limit? Bollocks

You've never had points simply because you haven't been caught speeding.

There are plenty of people who haven't been fined or imprisoned for all sorts of crimes from dropping litter to watching dodgy stuff on the internet right through to murder.

They just haven't been caught.

That doesn't make them any less criminal.

You are a hypocrite to come on here moaning about how some drivers break the rules on the motorway by driving in the middle lane when the nearside one is more appropriate when you admit to breaking the motorway law yourself.
True, just less annoying.
Starting with the OP, you sir are a plumb, the reason being you can not see that this kind of shite is no more than another way to milk the cash cow that is joe public.

If you get pulled up, tell the revenue collectors to f*ck right off, they are NOT upholding any law because you have the right as a free born Englishman (Or Doris) not to be penalise by anything but a proper court of law, an that means in front of a jury by the way.

The Magna Carta states that no freeman will be imprisoned or punished without first going through the proper legal system. In future years the word "freeman" was replaced by "no one" to include everybody.

And yes it is still the basis of English law, it was fought for and won, learn about it and use it to fight back against the money grubbing politicians.
So, to sum up -

Respectable people the authorities should stop persecuting just because they break the law when they are using their common sense about when it is OK to do so.

Speeding motorists, but only those who are self-assessed good drivers who know how to drive fast safely unlike the rest of us who should obey the limit.
People who choose to park where they are not allowed to.
People who need to make an allegedly urgent text or phone call while driving.
People who are experienced drinkers and can handle a few pints before driving home.

Irresponsible law breakers who the police should clamp down on mercilessly because breaking the law is wrong and anti-social.

Middle lane hoggers.
Cyclists who jump red lights.
urmston said:
So, to sum up -

Respectable people the authorities should stop persecuting just because they break the law when they are using their common sense about when it is OK to do so.

Speeding motorists, but only those who are self-assessed??? some are advanced drivers good drivers who know how to drive fast safely unlike the rest of us who should obey the limit.

Irresponsible law breakers who the police should clamp down on mercilessly because breaking the law is wrong and anti-social.

Middle lane hoggers.
Cyclists who jump red lights.
old ladies doing 55 on a motorway.
caravan towing twats.

basically yea
If everyones doing 70 then surely hogging the middle lane is irrelevant as you won't be able to get past doing the same speed :-)

Ps. Middle lane wankers
urmston said:
andyhinch said:
urmston said:
The speed limit is 70.

As you are a law-breaker you a hardly in a strong position to complain about others not sticking to the rules.
Never had a point or accident after driving approx 1,000,000 miles give or take, you satamonius ****, you've never broken the speed limit? Bollocks

You've never had points simply because you haven't been caught speeding.

There are plenty of people who haven't been fined or imprisoned for all sorts of crimes from dropping litter to watching dodgy stuff on the internet right through to murder.

They just haven't been caught.

That doesn't make them any less criminal.

You are a hypocrite to come on here moaning about how some drivers break the rules on the motorway by driving in the middle lane when the nearside one is more appropriate when you admit to breaking the motorway law yourself.

I picked up six points in the space of two days about ten months ago. One for the heinous crime of driving at 83 mph on an empty, straight motorway in clear dry conditions. The following day I was caught by another bastard hiding with a speed gun doing 1 mph more on another similar stretch of motorway.

Am I a law breaker? Yes. Was I doing anybody any harm? Please tell me.

The difference between speeding (by 'speeding', I mean the act of exceeding the posted limit - not inappropriate speed) and lane hogging is the former does not cause anybody any harm. The difference is the technology to catch lane-hoggers is not as simple as putting up cameras or hiding in a van with a radar gun.
Mustard Dave said:
urmston said:
andyhinch said:
Never had a point or accident after driving approx 1,000,000 miles give or take, you satamonius ****, you've never broken the speed limit? Bollocks

You've never had points simply because you haven't been caught speeding.

There are plenty of people who haven't been fined or imprisoned for all sorts of crimes from dropping litter to watching dodgy stuff on the internet right through to murder.

They just haven't been caught.

That doesn't make them any less criminal.

You are a hypocrite to come on here moaning about how some drivers break the rules on the motorway by driving in the middle lane when the nearside one is more appropriate when you admit to breaking the motorway law yourself.

I picked up six points in the space of two days about ten months ago. One for the heinous crime of driving at 83 mph on an empty, straight motorway in clear dry conditions. The following day I was caught by another bastard hiding with a speed gun doing 1 mph more on another similar stretch of motorway.

Am I a law breaker? Yes. Was I doing anybody any harm? Please tell me.

The difference between speeding (by 'speeding', I mean the act of exceeding the posted limit - not inappropriate speed) and lane hogging is the former does not cause anybody any harm. The difference is the technology to catch lane-hoggers is not as simple as putting up cameras or hiding in a van with a radar gun.

Stopping middle lane hoggers is a start, stopping HGV drivers from Elephant racing should be next.

I would like to see us adopt the German approach for motorways. No speed limit, just 'recommended' limits.

If you have an accident and have driven faster than the recommended limit then your insurance is invalid.
Can't be arsed reading through every page.
Thank fuk the "middle lane tossers" are getting done.
Totally ignorant drivers.
Why do drivers "undertake",because of "middle laners"
A 3 lane motorway is reduced to 2 lane because of these people,don't matter if yer doing 40 or 70,get in the left lane.
Why should I (say doing 60) have to move from the 1st then the 2nd then the 3rd lane,back to the 2nd then the 1st cos of some fukn dick in the middle lane doing 55.

I've read through ALL the comments now, and it wasn't until THIS one where driving BELOW 70 was mooted.

In my experience (driving for 39 years, averaging around 20K miles per year, without even a coffee stain on my licence, let alone a penalty point), the vast majority of "middle lane hoggers" don't do anything like 70mph, which is why they are so annoying.

If all the goody two shoes who only drive at 70mph were behind these drivers, they, too, would be pissed off.

As I have mentioned in other posts, I frequently travel to France, always by car. As there are only 2 lanes on most Autoroutes, lane hogging isn't a problem. Where there are hills, there is either a crawler lane, or HGVs are not allowed in the outside lane. Problem solved.
stonerblue said:
Mustard Dave said:
urmston said:
You've never had points simply because you haven't been caught speeding.

There are plenty of people who haven't been fined or imprisoned for all sorts of crimes from dropping litter to watching dodgy stuff on the internet right through to murder.

They just haven't been caught.

That doesn't make them any less criminal.

You are a hypocrite to come on here moaning about how some drivers break the rules on the motorway by driving in the middle lane when the nearside one is more appropriate when you admit to breaking the motorway law yourself.

I picked up six points in the space of two days about ten months ago. One for the heinous crime of driving at 83 mph on an empty, straight motorway in clear dry conditions. The following day I was caught by another bastard hiding with a speed gun doing 1 mph more on another similar stretch of motorway.

Am I a law breaker? Yes. Was I doing anybody any harm? Please tell me.

The difference between speeding (by 'speeding', I mean the act of exceeding the posted limit - not inappropriate speed) and lane hogging is the former does not cause anybody any harm. The difference is the technology to catch lane-hoggers is not as simple as putting up cameras or hiding in a van with a radar gun.


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